#PhotoGrid,#theoryofeverything,#hawking,#redmayne,#awesomeactor,#lovestory,#lifestory,#biopic,#ВселеннаяСтивенаХокинга,#ЭддиРедмейн,#актерищще,#лавстори,#жизнькаконаесть,#фильмфильмфильм сразу как увидела трейлер,решила-смотреть и плакать????????и думала,что кино про борьбу человека с болезнью,с судьбой..да,конечно это одна из тем..а еще любовь до самопожертвования и ее последствия. Жаль,что в конце Джейн не выдержала и ушла,хотя это именно жизненная ситуация. Но так хотелось верить в "счастливы вместе"...Эдди конечно достоин Оскара,настолько вжиться в образ????в общем вердикт-маст си!)/it's not an epic movie,but makes u think of life and it's value. "Till there's life,there's hope"!!!????????But sad end of romance though eventual left some disappointment( hoped for their happy ending,but it's too hard to bear such life. Eddie made ???? of this role,till the slightest details,and this wide smile is sooo catchy????must see!! @ Логово
#PhotoGrid, # theoryofeverything, # hawking, # redmayne, # awesomeactor, # lovestory, # lifestory, # biopic, #Universe Stephen Hawking, #Eddie Redmayne cry ???????? and I thought that the movie was about the struggle of a person with a disease, with fate .. yes, of course this is one of the topics .. and also love to sacrifice and its consequences. It is a pity that in the end Jane could not stand it and left, although this is precisely the situation in life. But I really wanted to believe in “happy together” ... Eddie is certainly worthy of an Oscar, so get used to the image ???? in general verdict-mast si!) / It's not an epic movie, but makes u think of life and it's value. "Till there's life, there's hope" !!! ???????? But sad end of romance though eventual left some disappointment (hoped for their happy ending, but it's too hard to bear such life. Eddie made ??? ? of this role, till the slightest details, and this wide smile is sooo catchy ???? must see !! @ Lair

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