"All the fun is happening somewhere else" Вчера...

"All the fun is happening somewhere else"
Вчера у [club38311581|Театральный проект "ВМЕСТЕ"] была премьера форум-театра "Вход на каблуках", и [id49636665|Машка] с [id93248|Наташкой] опять гуляли до утра, а я на выставке Бэнкси в Амстердаме. Как всегда "весь фан происходит где-то не здесь"...
"All the fun is happening somewhere else"
Yesterday, [club38311581 | THEATER PROJECT “TOGETHER”] had the premiere of the “Entrance in Heels” forum-theater, and [id49636665 | Mashka] with [id93248 | Natasha] walked again until the morning, and I was at Banksy's exhibition in Amsterdam. As always, "the whole fan is happening somewhere not here" ...
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