Took a long costal walk barefoot, stepping on...

Took a long costal walk barefoot, stepping on a sky that reflects in a sea. Finally I can listen to the sound of surf breaking on a beach, and finally I landed in #Bali ////// Я наконец добралась до #Бали. Пешком дошла от аэропорта до своего хостела и оттуда 5 минут до такой вот красоты. Это жутко туристическое местечко и меня то и дело подзывали местные торговцы. Так что я неспешно прогулялась вдоль берега и ушла достаточно далеко, сменяя пляжи и степень "шумливости". А куда торопиться, когда ты на Бали? ))))))
Took a long costal walk barefoot, stepping on a sky that reflects in a sea. Finally I can listen to the sound of surf breaking on a beach, and finally I landed in #Bali ////// I finally got to # Bali. I walked from the airport to my hostel and from there 5 minutes to such a beauty. This is a terribly touristic place and local merchants called me every now and then. So I slowly walked along the coast and went far enough, replacing the beaches and the degree of "noisiness". And where to rush when you are in Bali? )))))))
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