Creep. Karma police. Street spirit. Pyramid song. Paranoid...

Creep. Karma police. Street spirit. Pyramid song. Paranoid android. 2+2=5. There there. Talk show host. Everything in its right place. Nice dreems. Idioteque. Мы были на Best of Radiohead.

Они закончили моей самой любимой фразой We're accidents waiting to happen. А потом ще закончили I don't belong here...
Была Talk show host - мое самое первое знакомство с ними в саундтроке к ромео и джульете с малышом лео)))

Когда слышишь это все вместе, просто невозможно объять масштаб этой группы со всей их разностью и влиянием на музыку в целом и на мою жизнь в частности. Я просто не представляю, какой концерт может быть лучше. 
И ведь была на них. Но тут не угадаешь с концертом никогда. Том сказал публике You were nice to us. И продожил петь. Настроение не забронируешь заранее. Ведь we're accidents waiting to happen.
#iluvuworld #ps16 #radiohead @ Primavera Sound Festival
Creep. Karma police. Street spirit. Pyramid song. Paranoid android. 2 + 2 = 5. There there. Talk show host. Everything in its right place. Nice dreems. Idioteque. We were at Best of Radiohead.

They ended with my favorite phrase, We're accidents waiting to happen. And then they finished I don't belong here ...
There was Talk show host - my very first acquaintance with them in the soundtrack to Romeo and Juliet with the baby Leo)))

When you hear it all together, it is simply impossible to grasp the scale of this group with all their difference and impact on music in general and on my life in particular. I just can’t imagine which concert could be better.
And it was on them. But here you will never guess with a concert. Tom told the public You were nice to us. And he continued to sing. You can’t reserve the mood in advance. After all, we're accidents waiting to happen.
#iluvuworld # ps16 #radiohead @ Primavera Sound Festival
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