Люблю #констуктивизм, #геометрия архитектуры... А после того, как...

Люблю #констуктивизм, #геометрия архитектуры... А после того, как я сделала это фото, ко мне подошёл серьёзный мужчина в форме и спросил, что я делаю. Узнав предназначение странной коробочки (#любитель166), он узнал, что именно я снимаю. Видимо, ответ, что мне нравится геометрия и формы здания, был правильным, плёнку у меня не забрали, но попросили больше этого не делать. ???? #минск #беларусь #белоруссия #архитектура #домправительства #секретно #чернобелоефото #пленка #среднийформат
Just after I've done this #photo a serious man in military asked me, what I'm trying to do. I'd showed him my #middleformatcamera and said, that I find a geometry of the building is amazing and I really like it. I suppose my answer was good, he just said, that I have to go away and do not make a photo. ???? #govermenthouse #minsk #belarus #architecture #geometry #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #citylandscape #city #constructivism @ Белоруссия, Минск
I love # constructivism, # geometry of architecture ... And after I took this photo, a serious man in uniform approached me and asked what I was doing. Having learned the purpose of the strange box (#amateur166), he learned what I was shooting. Apparently, the answer that I like the geometry and shapes of the building was correct, they didn’t take the film from me, but asked me not to do it again. ???? # Minsk # Belarus # Belarus # architecture # home governments # secret # black and white photo # film # medium format
Just after I’ve done that I’m trying to do. I really like it. I’m not sure where I’ve made it. ???? #govermenthouse #minsk #belarus #architecture #geometry #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #citylandscape #city #constructivism @ Belarus, Minsk
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