Кто-то совершенно не любит электро, кому-то все равно. Кто-то, как и я, без ума от подобных фестивалей. Тысячи людей в белом, несравненные треки, под которые мы без остановки отбивали стопы 5 часов и нереальное световое шоу с участием каждого-это Sensation 2014! За последние 3 года, этот был лучшим! Спасибо организаторам и всем, кто заряжал своим позитивом. Впереди EXIT в Сербии, Sea Fest в Черногории и, конечно же, Tomorrowland в Бельгии :) // Sensation was awesome! More than 10000 people all over the country came just for 1 night.
Exiting light, amazing electrohouse and crazy people;) i'm ready for EXIT and Tomorrowland fests;)See you in July! #sensation2014 @ Sensation Into The Wild http://instagram.com/p/o937h5pJsi/
Exiting light, amazing electrohouse and crazy people;) i'm ready for EXIT and Tomorrowland fests;)See you in July! #sensation2014 @ Sensation Into The Wild http://instagram.com/p/o937h5pJsi/
Someone does not like electro, someone does not care. Someone, like me, is crazy about such festivals. Thousands of people in white, incomparable tracks, under which we beat our feet without stopping for 5 hours and an unreal light show with the participation of everyone is Sensation 2014! Over the past 3 years, this one has been the best! Thanks to the organizers and everyone who charged with their positive. Ahead of EXIT in Serbia, Sea Fest in Montenegro and, of course, Tomorrowland in Belgium :) // Sensation was awesome! More than 10,000 people all over the country came for 1 night.
Exiting light, amazing electrohouse and crazy people;) i'm ready for EXIT and Tomorrowland fests;) See you in July! # sensation2014 @ Sensation Into The Wild http://instagram.com/p/o937h5pJsi/
Exiting light, amazing electrohouse and crazy people;) i'm ready for EXIT and Tomorrowland fests;) See you in July! # sensation2014 @ Sensation Into The Wild http://instagram.com/p/o937h5pJsi/

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