наконец мы выбрались из облаков и дождей. Моя любимая Элла встречала нас утренним солнышком и голубым небом!! нам удалось просушить немного одежду, вкусно позавтракать и отправиться к водопаду Равана! В этот раз, он поразил меня своим величие, столько воды, столько мощи я тут еще не видела!! Покупаться не удалось, но восторг неописуемый у всей группы!
Finally, we got out of the clouds and rain. My favorite Ella met us the morning sun and blue sky !! we were able to dry a few clothes, delicious breakfast and went to the waterfall Ravana! This time, he impressed me with his greatness, so much water, so much power here, I have never seen !! could not swim, but the indescribable delight of the whole group! #trip #thesummerstyle #ravana #waterfull #ella #weligama #weligamabeach @ Ravana Falls
Finally, we got out of the clouds and rain. My favorite Ella met us the morning sun and blue sky !! we were able to dry a few clothes, delicious breakfast and went to the waterfall Ravana! This time, he impressed me with his greatness, so much water, so much power here, I have never seen !! could not swim, but the indescribable delight of the whole group! #trip #thesummerstyle #ravana #waterfull #ella #weligama #weligamabeach @ Ravana Falls

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