Русский самовар на Шри Ланке. Тысячу раз ходила мимо него и не замечала! а вот сейчас, в силу острой ностальгии новогоднего настроения, он появился:) Прям как кусочек счастья! сразу представила себе деревню, снег, бабулек, расписные чашки, баранки, малиновое варенье и огромную новогоднюю елку:)
Russian samovar in Sri Lanka. A thousand times went past him and did not notice! but now, because of acute nostalgia New Year's mood, he appeared :) Just like a piece of happiness! once imagined village, snow, grannies, painted cups, bagels, raspberry jam and a huge Christmas tree :) #srilanka #newyear #samovar #russian #nostalgia #thesummerstyle @ Ralla Beach Villa
Russian samovar in Sri Lanka. A thousand times went past him and did not notice! but now, because of acute nostalgia New Year's mood, he appeared :) Just like a piece of happiness! once imagined village, snow, grannies, painted cups, bagels, raspberry jam and a huge Christmas tree :) #srilanka #newyear #samovar #russian #nostalgia #thesummerstyle @ Ralla Beach Villa

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