Смотришь информацию по музыкальным группам и вдруг ......

Смотришь информацию по музыкальным группам и вдруг ... Мотивация. Спасибо тебе, чувак, с которым я никогда не встречусь. Я постараюсь быть как ты. Когда буду петь.

I knew I could sing better if I worked at it, so I quit smoking — I quit nicotine completely — and I started running. I started doing vocal warm-ups everyday. I knew I could play crazier solos, so I went back to my 13-year old mindset, when I had no friends and spent 12 hours a day playing guitar. I went fucking crazy trying to improve in every possible way that I could as a musician, as a songwriter — and improving my ideas and lyrics. So I did feel a lot of pressure. I refused to allow this album to be anything but better than the last album.
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