Сложно описать, как я соскучился по Москве. Даже пробки не так раздражают(пока????). Иногда полезно сбегать из города, чтобы понять все его прелести. Я неоднократно признавался в любви к Москве, в этом городе случилось многое. Спасибо тебе, белокаменная;) Hard to describe how I missed the city of Moscow. Even traffic doesn’t look annoying. Sometime you have to leave your city, just to realize how fascinating it is;) #mbrussia #moscow #traffic #russia #travel #actorslife
It is difficult to describe how I missed Moscow. Even traffic jams are not so annoying (for now ????). Sometimes it is useful to run away from the city in order to understand all its charms. I have repeatedly confessed my love for Moscow, a lot has happened in this city. Thank you, white stone;) Hard to describe how I missed the city of Moscow. Even traffic doesn’t look annoying. Sometime you have to leave your city, just to realize how it is;) #mbrussia #moscow #traffic #russia #travel #actorslife

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