По улицам приятно гулять. Вокруг атмосфера праздника. Признаюсь - ожидал худшего. Москве нужен был подобный чемпионат. Надеюсь все гости вернутся по своим странам и расскажут, что на самом деле, мы не такая уж жуткая и страшная страна, как пишут в газетах)) Welcome to Russia, I hope when you back home, you won’t believe your newspapers, and you tell your friends, that we are very guestful. Come and visit us again!???? #welcome2018 #welcometorussia #russia #russia2018 #worldcup2018 #moscow #football #fifaworldcup2018
It's nice to walk around the streets. Around the holiday atmosphere. I admit - I expected the worst. Moscow needed a similar championship. I hope all the guests will return to their countries and tell you that, in fact, we are not such a terrible and scary country, as they say in the newspapers)) you tell your friends, that we are very guestful. Come and visit us again! ???? # welcome2018 #welcometorussia #russia # russia2018 # worldcup2018 #moscow #football # fifaworldcup2018

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