Guys, my Back → to the future :)...

Guys, my Back → to the future :) shot won second round on #dribbble Artist Shops playoff! Thanks guys from @Dribbble and @Threadless for this opportunity!
And thank you all for likes! :)

Right now I'm working on new case designs for my #IVVEAR Artist shop on Threadless, check out that new one ;)


Други, моя прошлая иллюстрация для чехлов выиграла на дрибле, сейчас работаю над новыми дизайнами в мой магазинчик #IVVEAR на Threadless :) Спасибо большое всем за лайки!


#illustration #bestvector #art_we_inspire #art #draw #drawing #pattern #pic #pictures #stokarenko #topcreator #wacom #thevectorproject #wip #illustree #art_dnevnik #paint #color #vector #illustrator #pictures #illustrationartists #wip #workinprogress
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