Salvatore Sciarrino - Perduto in Una Citta Dacque...

Salvatore Sciarrino - Perduto in Una Citta Dacque for Piano (Lost in a city of water) (1990-91)
“Perduto” was written straight after Luigi Nono’s death and the “città d’acque” of the title is Venice, where Nono lived his life. “Perduto” is based on an ecstatic repetition of very high chords interspersed with extremely fast notes in other registers and brings the listener to a timeless dimension.
"The words in a sentence were often punctuated by strands of sleep”, Sciarrino said, “and the meaning wandered, towards dreams, towards that nucleus of warmth”. What may seem to be long moments of silence in this piece seem more like moments of intense and intuitive listening. Structurally, “Perduto” is based on a series of two-note chords, but it is the reverberations between the notes that is fascinating. The sounds linger across the silence, the vibrations continuing after a note is struck. The occasional flurries of harmony highlight the profound dignity of the stillness. One set of chords is deliberately flat and hollow, like the mechanical ticking of a metronome – the passing of time, dripping water drops, a frail heartbeat (
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