Frank Bridge (1879 - 1941) ‒ The Hour...

Frank Bridge (1879 - 1941) ‒ The Hour Glass, H.148
Frank Bridge was born in Brighton and studied at the Royal College of Music in London (1899 - 1903) under Charles Villiers Stanford. He played the viola, most in the English String Quartet (along with Marjorie Hayward). Then he devoted himself to composition, receiving the patronage of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge.
In the period leading up to the First World War Bridge demonstrates an interest in more noticeably modernist tendencies, most notably in Dance Poem of 1913, which suggests the influence of Stravinsky and Debussy.
After the First World War, his attitude changed. Bridge came under the influence of Alban Berg, and his music became much more dissonant and almost atonal.
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