IPSA DIXIT (2016). III. Rhetoric, Kate Soper (1981)...

IPSA DIXIT (2016). III. Rhetoric, Kate Soper (1981)
IPSA DIXIT means "she, herself, said it", instead of IPSE DIXIT (Latin) - the assertion without proof; or a dogmatic expression of opinion, literally 'he, himself, said it.'
"The piece explores myriad ways in which the truth can be hidden, in how musical language can complicate sense, how a soprano’s sovereignty over instrumentalists can be challenged, and how gut feeling can overrule reason. The pursuit of honesty, under everyday circumstances as well as in matters of life and death, relentlessly haunts Ipsa Dixit at its surface." (by Kate Soper)
The work is a mixture containing elements of monodrama, Greek theatre, and screwball comedy in its examination of the treachery of language and the questionable authenticity of musical expression.
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