06.02.2019 Douglas Leedy, Sonata on Pindar's First Olympic...

Douglas Leedy, Sonata on Pindar's First Olympic Ode
Douglas Leedy (from 2003 - Bhishma Xenotechnites) (1938 - 2015) was an American composer,
performer and music scholar. Although briefly composing in an atonal, but not strictly serial, style, Leedy's music is predominantly melodic and modal. Leedy made a decisive turn away from 12-tone equal temperament. He was a scholar of tuning systems and composed for keyboard instruments in historical meantone temperament and in various systems of Just intonation. He also proposed reconstructions of ancient Greek music, and prepared, on historical-theoretic principles, settings for the musical performance of Homer, Sappho, Pindar, and the Persai (The Persians) of Aeschylus.
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