16.02.2019 Owen Rockwell. Lecture "Recital Presentation on Psappha*...

Owen Rockwell. Lecture "Recital Presentation on Psappha* by Iannis Xenakis"
(in English, with not always correct English subtitles)
*) Psappha (1975) is a composition for a multi-percussion solo by Iannis Xenakis. The work does not include specific instrumentation, but the composer calls for three groups of wood and/or skins and three groups of metal instruments. The actually printed performance score is written in a unique graph notation and consists of 2,396 segments. Together with Rebonds, Psappha is one of the two compositions for solo percussion by Xenakis. “Psappha” itself is an archaic form of “Sappho,” a great Greek poetess from the Island of Lesbos, born in the 600's BC.
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