07.04.2019 Vincenzo Capirola, Che farala che dirala Vincenzo...

Vincenzo Capirola, Che farala che dirala
Vincenzo Capirola (1474 - after 1548) had made a name for himself as a lutenist in Venice in 1517. By that time he had students there and was probably already at work on the music and text that would make up his famous LuteBook. Musicologist Otto Gombosi conjectures that the composer might well have been the lute virtuoso who had performed in England before Henry VIII in 1515. What makes this speculation plausible is that Capirola was a nobleman and certainly had the means for extensive travel and a rare talent to showcase. His LuteBook was copied out by a student in the period 1515-1520. The work contains both easy pieces and difficult ones and features lute transcriptions of popular songs of the day, as well as various other works, including original compositions

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