23.05.2019 Valentin Strobel. Courante in A-minor (manuscript PL-Kj...

Valentin Strobel. Courante in A-minor (manuscript PL-Kj ms. mus. 40620, fol. 18v)
Valentin Strobel(1611-1669) was a German composer and lutenist. He was the son of the German lutenist and composer Valentin Strobel (1577-1640). He became a lutenist and theorbo player in the Darmstadt Hofkapelle in 1629. In 1634 he was active at the Stuttgart court. That same year, he entered the service of Margrave Friedrich V of Baden-Durlach, who moved his court to Strasbourg. About 1639 Stroebel was dismissed from the Margrave’s service, but in 1640 he was made a citizen of Strasbourg. Some of his distinguished lute pieces, as well as 3 vols, of vocal works, are extant. His son, Johann Valentin Strobel (1643-1688), was also a lutenist who was active at the Darmstadt court from 1668. (encyclopedia.com)
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