Antonio Rotta. Ricercar (1546) Antonio Rotta (?1495-?1549) was...

Antonio Rotta. Ricercar (1546)
Antonio Rotta (?1495-?1549) was an Italian lutenist. "...Canon Scardeonius of Padua wrote in 1560 that Rotta was not only virtually unrivaled in Italy as a lutenist, but was also an excellent teacher and had grown quite rich by giving lessons on the lute. Scardeonius also mentioned that Rotta had published ‘praecepta notabilia’ for playing the lute, presumably meaning the appendix to Rotta’s Intabolatura (Venice, 1546), ‘Regula alli lettori’, an introduction to the lute based on Italian tablature. The Intabolatura contains intabulations of six French chansons, six madrigals, four motets by Jacquet of Mantua, Mouton, Willaert and Gombert, 26 dances and dance-songs and six ricercares. The composers of the vocal models are Arcadelt, de Porta, Costanzo Festa, Maille, Robert Meigret, Rogier Pathie and Nicolas Payen. Rotta’s own dance suites comprise passamezzo, galliard and paduana in triple time. e based on Italian tablature. The Intabolatura contains intabulations of six French chansons, six madrigals, four motets by Jacquet of Mantua, Mouton, Willaert and Gombert, 26 dances and dance-songs and six ricercares. The composers of the vocal models are Arcadelt, de Porta, Costanzo Festa, Maille, Robert Meigret, Rogier Pathie and Nicolas Payen. Rotta’s own dance suites comprise passamezzo, galliard and paduana in triple time. The galliard and paduana are developed from the passamezzo, using different rhythms. The writing is chordal but enlivened by diminutions. Some of his ricercares are in an imitative
polyphonic style, others are more impromptu in character" (by Hans Radke)
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