30.11.2019 A Scene In a Tram (2 min...

A Scene In a Tram (2 min lyrics from my "Tram Proof", 2019)
(inspired by "subversive trolleybus series" of David Cavlovic)
(Tram driver)
Who's to ride to check the Wall?
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram*….
(Conductor, a little hysterically)
Rang damn bell to warn the world?
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram…
(conman-pickpocket, smiling softly)
The Play’s so long,
(All together)
So let them actors play hard.
(suburban gals, together)
Who's to feed oil-working men?
(messy-smelly fellas)
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram….
(half-seas over colonel, gravelly)
Who calmed down Little Rocketman?
(messy fellas)
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram…
The Power of Art’s
(Conductor, winking at conman)
To round 'em up and lean hard.
=CHORUS(all together):
And while them ill-wishers try
To add one more string of pearls
On neckline of the liber-all brains,
We’re now to Bring the revenues
In line with the costs
So Don't let them squander
Remains of the country again….
(all together)
Let's change the New World
For better and the Greater again,
Let's make the Great Tram
Take us to Great Future again.
(all together)
Who bashed scoundrels of the World?
(Tram driver)
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram!
(all together)
Who ran over all that Mob?
(Tram driver)
Dum-Delee-Berry Tram….
(conman-pickpocket, concerned but steely)
The Script’s too short,
(looks around furtively)
So let them actors play hard.
2019, text by Alex Durnev (moon_river)
*)‘Dum-Delee-Berry Tram’ for tram haters - should be spelled similarly to “dump delivery tram” with emphasis on the third syllable; for tram enthusiasts ‘liber-all brains’ should be similar to ‘liberal brain’.
Musical accompaniment should be in a mixed music style.
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