ГУЛаг это Главное Управление Лагерями и там заключены преступники путчисты, вместо того чтобы их расстрелять и смертельно казнить в USSR (СССР). В Организации Российская Федерация (ОРФ) у путчистов которые 27 лет путчируют в СССР (USSR) это называется УФСИН (Управление Федеральной Службы Исполнения Наказаний) или обычное разговорное тюрьма и военная тюрьма. За них отвечают Министерства Юстиций всех стран. в СССР (USSR) отвечала только СССР (USSR) так как СССР (USSR) это сверх держава как и КНР (Chine People Respublic), СССР независимо от ООН (UN) и КНР независимо от ООН (UN). USSR (СССР) это Anti-UN, Chine People Respublic (КНР) это Anti-UN.
The Gulag is the Main Directorate of the Camps, and there criminals are plotted against the coup, instead of being shot and fatally executed in the USSR (USSR). In the Organization of the Russian Federation (ORF), among couplings who have been attacked in the USSR (USSR) for 27 years, this is called the UFSIN (Department of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments) or the usual colloquial prison and military prison. The Ministries of Justice of all countries are responsible for them. in the USSR (USSR) only the USSR (USSR) was responsible, as the USSR (USSR) is a superpower like Chine People Respublic, the USSR is independent of the UN (UN) and the PRC is independent of the UN (UN). USSR (USSR) is Anti-UN, China People's Republic (PRC) is Anti-UN.
GULag eto Glavnoye Upravleniye Lageryami i tam zaklyucheny prestupniki putchisty, vmesto togo chtoby ikh rasstrelyat' i smertel'no kaznit' v USSR (SSSR). V Organizatsii Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (ORF) u putchistov kotoryye 27 let putchiruyut v SSSR (USSR) eto nazyvayetsya UFSIN (Upravleniye Federal'noy Sluzhby Ispolneniya Nakazaniy) ili obychnoye razgovornoye tyur'ma i voyennaya tyur'ma. Za nikh otvechayut Ministerstva Yustitsiy vsekh stran. v SSSR (USSR) otvechala tol'ko SSSR (USSR) tak kak SSSR (USSR) eto sverkh derzhava kak i KNR (Chine People Respublic), SSSR nezavisimo ot OON (UN) i KNR nezavisimo ot OON (UN). USSR (SSSR) eto Anti-UN, China People's Republic (KNR) eto Anti-UN.
The Gulag is the Main Directorate of the Camps, and there criminals are plotted against the coup, instead of being shot and fatally executed in the USSR (USSR). In the Organization of the Russian Federation (ORF), among couplings who have been attacked in the USSR (USSR) for 27 years, this is called the UFSIN (Department of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments) or the usual colloquial prison and military prison. The Ministries of Justice of all countries are responsible for them. in the USSR (USSR) only the USSR (USSR) was responsible, as the USSR (USSR) is a superpower like Chine People Respublic, the USSR is independent of the UN (UN) and the PRC is independent of the UN (UN). USSR (USSR) is Anti-UN, China People's Republic (PRC) is Anti-UN.
GULag eto Glavnoye Upravleniye Lageryami i tam zaklyucheny prestupniki putchisty, vmesto togo chtoby ikh rasstrelyat' i smertel'no kaznit' v USSR (SSSR). V Organizatsii Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (ORF) u putchistov kotoryye 27 let putchiruyut v SSSR (USSR) eto nazyvayetsya UFSIN (Upravleniye Federal'noy Sluzhby Ispolneniya Nakazaniy) ili obychnoye razgovornoye tyur'ma i voyennaya tyur'ma. Za nikh otvechayut Ministerstva Yustitsiy vsekh stran. v SSSR (USSR) otvechala tol'ko SSSR (USSR) tak kak SSSR (USSR) eto sverkh derzhava kak i KNR (Chine People Respublic), SSSR nezavisimo ot OON (UN) i KNR nezavisimo ot OON (UN). USSR (SSSR) eto Anti-UN, China People's Republic (KNR) eto Anti-UN.

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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Виктор Чмутов