These are the "Olga jokes" my friend wrote...

These are the "Olga jokes" my friend wrote about me lol:
Olga Kapranova does not use twitter. She is already following you...
Olga Kapranova can breathe through her ears.
Olga Kapranova does not fight you, she allows you to lose.
Gravity works because Olga Kapranova allows it to.
Olga Kapranova see hidden numbers on her cellphone.
Olga Kapranova does not walk, she earth moves around her.
Rock & Roll music is dead because Olga Kapranova killed it...
When Olga Kapranova lifts weights, her muscles dont burn, the weights do
Olga Kapranova never needs postal stamps. She just tells the letter where to go.
Curiosity did not kill the cat. Olga Kapranova did.
When Olga Kapranova wants an egg, she cracks open a chicken.
Olga Kapranova made the tower of pisa lean by giving it an angry look.
Olga Kapranova does not need to read an encyclopedia to be smart. She is an encyclopedia.
Olga Kapranova is the only person who knows a word that rhymes with ORANGE.

(c) Humayoun Akhtar.
That was funny, Mani :)
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