На полочке за баром стояли банки с "Алёнкой",...

На полочке за баром стояли банки с "Алёнкой", "Мишкой на севере" и чем-то подобным.
- Ooo, why do you have Russian chocolates behind the bar?
- First, because they are delicious, second, because our owner, Pasha is Russian.
- Ой, добрый вечер, а я смотрю у вас Алёнка за баром есть...
- У нас ещё и "Белочка" в бейзменте есть!
Понаехали блин (справедливости ради - понаехали и я и он)
On the shelf behind the bar there were cans with "Alyonka", "Bear in the North" and something like that.
- Ooo, why do you have Russian chocolates behind the bar?
- First, because they are delicious, second, because our owner, Pasha is Russian.
- Oh, good evening, and I see you have Alyonka behind the bar ...
- We also have a "Squirrel" in basement!
Damn came in large numbers (in fairness - both me and him came in large numbers)
У записи 4 лайков,
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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Лена Сурпрыз

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