Как это чувствуется посылать результат работы почти 6 лет? Результат, которым я довольна и могу с уверенностью сказать, что я сделала лучшее на что была способна. Результат, который состоялся благодаря мудрейшим и умнейшим научным руководителям, мужу, друзьям и коллегам, семье, да и сотням людей, меня окружающих и явившихся вкладом в это. Вкладом разным: веселым, грустным, иногда болезненным, но таким ценным! Это чувствуется сильно... Чувствуется гармонично... Тепло чувствуется. И предчувствуется начало чего-то нового и не менее волшебного. Именно то чувство, когда все идет так. Я очень благодарна вселенной, что она мне давала силы не уходить с этого пути, хотя соблазнов было много, много мыслей о том что это не мое и не нужно тратить на это время. Но я доверяла себе, окружающим и вселенной. Уметь доверять ответственно - огромный Дар, который всегда приводит к желаемым результатам. С огромной любовью в сердце, Аня.
How does it feel to send the result of almost 6 years work? The result that I am content with and I can certainly say that I did my best. The result that was possible thanks to the wisest and the most talented supervisors, husband, friends and colleagues, family, and hundreds of people around me that helped this to happen. They helped differently: funny, sad, sometimes painful, but very valuable! It feels strong, full of harmony… And warm. And I anticipate start of something new and magical. It is the feeling when everything goes the way it supposed to. I am very thankful to the universe for giving me the strength not to quit from this path with so much temptations and thoughts that it is not for me, that I am just wasting my time here. But I kept trusting myself, people, and the universe. The ability to trust responsibly is a huge Gift, which always produces desired results. With a big love and open heart, Ana
How does it feel to send the result of almost 6 years work? The result that I am content with and I can certainly say that I did my best. The result that was possible thanks to the wisest and the most talented supervisors, husband, friends and colleagues, family, and hundreds of people around me that helped this to happen. They helped differently: funny, sad, sometimes painful, but very valuable! It feels strong, full of harmony… And warm. And I anticipate start of something new and magical. It is the feeling when everything goes the way it supposed to. I am very thankful to the universe for giving me the strength not to quit from this path with so much temptations and thoughts that it is not for me, that I am just wasting my time here. But I kept trusting myself, people, and the universe. The ability to trust responsibly is a huge Gift, which always produces desired results. With a big love and open heart, Ana
How does it feel to send the result of work for almost 6 years? The result, which I am pleased with and I can say with confidence that I did the best for what I was capable of. The result, which took place thanks to the wisest and smartest scientific leaders, husband, friends and colleagues, family, and even hundreds of people around me and who contributed to it. The contribution is different: funny, sad, sometimes painful, but so valuable! It feels strong ... It feels harmonious ... Warmly felt. And the beginning of something new and no less magical. It is that feeling when everything goes like this. I am very grateful to the universe that it gave me the strength not to leave this path, although there were many temptations, many thoughts about the fact that it is not mine and I don’t have to waste time on it. But I trusted myself, others and the universe. Being able to trust responsibly is a huge Gift that always leads to the desired results. With great love in my heart, Anya.
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6 years work? I did my best. It was possible to help you get around the world. They helped differently: funny, sad, sometimes painful, but very valuable! It feels strong, full of harmony ... And warm. And I anticipate something new and magical. It is the way it’s supposed to be. I just wasting my time here. But I kept trusting myself, people, and the universe. The ability to trust responsibly is a huge gift, which always produces the desired results. With a big love and open heart, Ana
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6 years work? I did my best. It was possible to help you get around the world. They helped differently: funny, sad, sometimes painful, but very valuable! It feels strong, full of harmony ... And warm. And I anticipate something new and magical. It is the way it’s supposed to be. I just wasting my time here. But I kept trusting myself, people, and the universe. The ability to trust responsibly is a huge gift, which always produces the desired results. With a big love and open heart, Ana

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