Сходите с ума. Западайте на тех, на кого...

Сходите с ума. Западайте
на тех, на кого вообще не стоит западать.
Забивайте на мнение людей, которые
не имеют к вам никакого отношения.
Не бойтесь осуждения. Творите фигню, дурачьтесь и радуйтесь жизни. ☝️☝️☝️Только не будьте унылой тенью
собственных комплексов. .
Go crazy. Score on the opinion of people who
have nothing to do with you.
Do not be afraid of condemnation. Create garbage, and enjoy life.
☝️☝️☝️Do not be a sad shadow
own complexes.
Go crazy. West
those you shouldn't fall for at all.
Give up on the opinions of people who
have nothing to do with you.
Don't be afraid of judgment. Do bullshit, play the fool and enjoy life. ☝️☝️☝️Just don't be a dull shadow
own complexes. ...
Go crazy. Score on the opinion of people who
have nothing to do with you.
Do not be afraid of condemnation. Create garbage, and enjoy life.
☝️☝️☝️Do not be a sad shadow
own complexes.
# sarkisbellydancer # duo # oriental # burlesque
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