????"Как тебе жить – это твое дело. Просто помни. Душа и тело даются нам только один раз. Не успеешь оглянуться, как душа одряхлеет. А тело… В какой-то момент никто не захочет на него даже взглянуть. И уж тем более – к нему прикоснуться. Сейчас… ты испытываешь горе. Боль. Не подавляй их. Иначе ты подавишь и счастье, которое познал"...
Photo by ir2vin2
How you live is your business. Just remember. The soul and body are given to us only once. Do not have time to look back, as the soul grows old. And the body ... At some point no one will want to look at it. And even more so - to touch him. Now ... you are experiencing grief. Pain. Do not put them down. Otherwise you will suppress the happiness that you have learned. "
Photo by ir2vin2
How you live is your business. Just remember. The soul and body are given to us only once. Do not have time to look back, as the soul grows old. And the body ... At some point no one will want to look at it. And even more so - to touch him. Now ... you are experiencing grief. Pain. Do not put them down. Otherwise you will suppress the happiness that you have learned. "
????"Как тебе жить – это твое дело. Просто помни. Душа и тело даются нам только один раз. Не успеешь оглянуться, как душа одряхлеет. А тело… В какой-то момент никто не захочет на него даже взглянуть. И уж тем более – к нему прикоснуться. Сейчас… ты испытываешь горе. Боль. Не подавляй их. Иначе ты подавишь и счастье, которое познал"...
Photo by ir2vin2
How you live is your business. Just remember. The soul and body are given to us only once. Do not have time to look back, as the soul grows old. And the body ... At some point no one will want to look at it. And even more so - to touch him. Now ... you are experiencing grief. Pain. Do not put them down. Otherwise you will suppress the happiness that you have learned. "
Photo by ir2vin2
How you live is your business. Just remember. The soul and body are given to us only once. Do not have time to look back, as the soul grows old. And the body ... At some point no one will want to look at it. And even more so - to touch him. Now ... you are experiencing grief. Pain. Do not put them down. Otherwise you will suppress the happiness that you have learned. "

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