Глупый разговорник для туриста Я всю жизнь мечтал...

Глупый разговорник для туриста

Я всю жизнь мечтал купить два билета,
I've dreamed of buying two tickets all of my life,
please. — Айв дримд оф байинг ту
тикетс ол май лайф, плиз.
В вашей гостинице завтрак входит
в обед?
Is breakfast included into the lunch
in your hotel? — Из брэкфаст ин-
клюдед инту зе ланч ин ё хотел?
Кто вы такой и что мне от вас нужно?
Who are you and what do I need from you? — Ху
а ю энд уот ду ай нид фром ю?
Где в вашем крематории сувенирная лавка?
Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory? —
Вэа из хе сувениар шоп этё крематори?
Оно так и было, когда я пришел!
It already was like this when I came! — Итвоз
олрэди лайз дыс вэн ай кейм!
Мне это не нужно, отговорите меня,
I do not need this, talk me out of it. — Ай ду нот
нид дыс, толк ми аут оф ит.
Этот шоколад точно с фольгой?
Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil? —
А ю шуа зыс чоколат камз виз фоил?
Где кабинка для молодоженов?
Where is the fitting room for newlyweds? — Вэа
из зе фиттинг рум фор ньюливэдс?
Если вы меня развяжете, я обещаю стремительно
If you untie me, I promise to run away like hell. —
Иф ю антай ми, ай промис ту ран эвэй лайк хэлл.
Я не знаю, откуда взялась эта мертвая шлюха
в моем номере.
I have no idea how this dead whore got into my
room. — Aй хэв ноу айдиа хау дыс дэд хор гат
инту май рум
Вы уже потратили чаевые, которые я давал вчера?
You have already spent the tip I gave you
yesterday? — Юхэв олрэди спэнт зе тип ай гейв
ю йестэдэй?
Говорите тише, я вас все равно не понимаю.
Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway. —
Спик софта, ай кэн нот андерстэнд ю энивэй.
Почему под вашим пальто нет другой одежды?
Why aren't you wearing any clothes under your
coat? — Вай ант ю вэаринг эни колдес андэр ё
Господи, если ты есть там наверху,
то на другом полушарии ты внизу?
Dear Lord, if you are up there on this side of the
Earth, are you down there on the other side? — Диа
лорд, иф ю а ап зэа он зыс сайд оф зе ёс, а ю даун
зеа он зе аза сайд?
A stupid phrasebook for a tourist

All my life I dreamed of buying two tickets,
you are welcome.
I've dreamed of buying two tickets all of my life,
please. - Ive dreamd of buying tu
tickets ol may life, pliz.
Breakfast is included in your hotel
at lunch?
Is breakfast included into the lunch
in your hotel? - From breakfast in-
Kluded intu ze lunch in yo wanted?
Who are you and what do I need from you?
Who are you and what do I need from you? - Hu
and yu end wat doo ay nid from yu?
Where is the souvenir shop in your crematorium?
Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory? -
Weh iz he souvenir shop eto crematori?
It was so when I arrived!
It already was like this when I came! - Itvoz
alredy life dys van ay keim!
I don't need it, talk me out
you are welcome.
I do not need this, talk me out of it. - Ay doo notes
nid dys, sense mi out of it.
Is this chocolate exactly with foil?
Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil? -
And yu shua zys chokolat kamz vis foil?
Where is the honeymoon booth?
Where is the fitting room for newlyweds? - Vea
from the fitting room for the newwads?
If you untie me I promise swiftly
run away.
If you untie me, I promise to run away like hell. -
If yu antai mi, ah promise tu run avay like hell.
I don't know where this dead whore came from
in my room.
I have no idea how this dead whore got into my
room. - Ay hev know idia how dys dead khor gat
Intu May Room
Have you already spent the tip I gave yesterday?
You have already spent the tip I gave you
yesterday? - yuhev olradie spant the type ah gave
yu yesteday?
Speak more quietly, I still don't understand you.
Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway. -
Speak software, ah ken notes understand yu anyway.
Why are there no other clothes under your coat?
Why aren't you wearing any clothes under your
coat? - Wai ant yu wearing any koldes ander yo
Lord, if you're up there
then in the other hemisphere are you down?
Dear Lord, if you are up there on this side of the
Earth, are you down there on the other side? - Dia
lord, if u a ap zea he zys side of ze yos, and u down
zea he ze aza side?
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