????????????It's true: the way I feel Was promised...

????????????It's true: the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you are not with me
I'm with you... .
.Честер,ну зачем же ты так?!????????????не будет больше мега-хитов и такая мощная энергетика была только у него.Мне редко нравятся все треки в альбомах одного исполнителя или группы,но это как раз тот случай.Жаль,очень жаль... #intheend #LP #ванлав #linkinpark #полинкинпарк #ICantWaitToSeeTomorrow #chesterbennington #sadness
???????????? It's true: the way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you are not with me
I'm with you ....
.Chester, well, why are you like that?! ???????????? there will be no more mega-hits and only he had such a powerful energy. This is exactly the case. Sorry, very sorry ... #intheend #LP #wanlaw #linkinpark #polinkinpark #ICantWaitToSeeTomorrow #chesterbennington #sadness
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