KARELIAN ROCKS 2017- почему я принял участие и...

KARELIAN ROCKS 2017- почему я принял участие и кто помог втянуть меня в эту авантюру.

Все начинается с того момента, когда ты начинаешь осознавать что был неправ. В моем случае это перенесенные не так давно травмы. Да, я конечно думал, что мог бы избежать их получение, если бы я делал не так а иначе… Но к сожалению, к этим мыслям приходишь значительно позже, и уже эти идеи, мысли, рассуждения пригодятся лишь для анализа существующей ситуации во избежания их в будущем.
Идея поучаствовать в фестевале зародилась не за недолго до события. Есть одна спортсменка, комсомолка и просто красавица Анна Микушкина. Тренируется в клубе Игелс при поддержке наших глубоко уважаемых друзей Red Fox. Она конечно и тренирует там же, но это уже совсем другая история. Разговорившись я понял, что неплохим вариантом вернуться в спортивный режим после длительного перерыва, будет набор хорошего объема лазания на соревнованиях. Это и логично. Соревнования дают стимул собраться и в короткие сроки дать хорошие нагрузки на мышцы. А так как трассы фестиваля для моего уровня не предельные, я сказал себе: «Не плохая идея, лишь бы с погодой повезло!"
И повезло. Все три дня было солнечно. Подготовщики и судейский коллектив были на высоте. Работа была проделана огромная. В фестивале поучаствовали многие спонсоры, которые внесли свою лепту в эти старты. Конечно же, не могу не обратить вашего внимания и на Генерального спонсора соревнований компанию Red Fox, без которой фестиваль был бы всего лишь идеей. Огромное им спасибо за 650 оттяжек, развешенных на всех маршрутах скалы.
Чтобы хорошо выступить (в абсолютном зачете) нужно учесть очень много нюансов. Стратегия, интервалы отдыха, время приема пищи, сна, выбор напарника, команду поддержки и прочее. В напарницы, так уж сложилось взял Анну Микушкину. Или она меня. Я пока не знаю ответа на этот вопрос. Одна из идей это её коварный план эксплуатировать меня нещадно :)
В конечном итоге, я рад что был с ней в двойке. По истечению двух с половиной дней фестиваля мы, проделав огромную работу на истощения своего организма, показали лучший результат среди мужчин и женщин в абсолютном зачете. По положению onsight не учитывался. Но я понимал, что все трассы нужно лезть на фестивале с первой попытки, иначе вылезти максимум трасс и опередить соперников будет просто невозможно. Мой результат 143 трассы. Из них 138 с первой. В итоге и она и я получили по короне в общем зачете. В зачете трудность и она и я заняли вторые места. В дисциплине боулдеринг Аня нашла в себе силы пройти сложные маршруты, которые ей обеспечили вторую позицию. К сожалению я не в призах. Более сложные трассы, после двух дней непрерывного лазания, уже казались чем-то запредельным для меня.
Еще раз хочу поблагодарить всех, кто принимал участие в подготовке по проведению фестиваля. И огромное спасибо тем, кто поддерживал днем и ночью наше лазания «Без остановки"!
KARELIAN ROCKS 2017 – Why I decided to take part and who got me into this mess.

Everythig starts from the moment when you realize that you were wrong. It was because of my last injuries. Of course I thought that I couldn't get this injuries if I wired differently. Unfortunately such thoughts appears much later. Then it is useful for analizing the situation to stay it off in future.
The idea to take part in KARELIAN ROCKS appered close to the event. I talked with my good friend and climber Anna Mikushkina who trains in Igels Club supported by our dear friends RedFox (Anna also works as climbing trainer here) and I understood that it would be good idea to take part in competition for coming back to sport regime. Any competition can give good motivation for concentration promptly and also good impacts on your body. Route's categories were not extreme for me and I told myself: “It's really good idea, if we get lucky with the weather!” And it was really great, all days were sunny. Route setters and judjes were on top. It was really good job.
Many sponsores supported this event. Many thanks to our general sponsor Red Fox, without their support the festival would be just an idea. Many thanks them for 650 quick draws, which have already hanged.
If you want to have a good place at competition you should to consider many nuances – strategy, rest time, meals, sleeping, choosing a belayer, fan base and so on. As my belayer I chose Anna Mikushkina. Or she chose me, I certainly don't know. Her evel plan was to exploit me merciless =)
All in all I am really glad, that she was a part of our team. At the end of two days we gained the best result among all men and women. It was hard and exhasted job. On-sight was't counted in the total. But I understood that all routes must be climbed at my first attempt, otherwise it would be impossible to climb maximum routes and ahead other competitors. My result – 143 routes, 138 on-sights. Anna and I got crownes. In lead we both are second. Ann was strong for climbing difficult boulder problems and became the second in bouldering too. Unfortunately I did't get a prize in bouldering. After two climbing days more difficult problems were something mad for me. I'd like to thank all people who took part in organization this wonderful event. Many thanks those who supported our non-stop climbing all day and all night!!!
KARELIAN ROCKS 2017- why I took part and who helped drag me into this adventure.

It all starts from the moment when you begin to realize that you were wrong. In my case, these are injuries suffered not so long ago. Yes, of course I thought that I could have avoided getting them if I had done something differently ... But unfortunately, you come to these thoughts much later, and these ideas, thoughts, reasoning will be useful only for analyzing the existing situation in order to avoid them in future.
The idea to participate in the festival was not born long before the event. There is one athlete, Komsomol member and simply beautiful Anna Mikushkina. Trained at the Igels Club with the support of our deeply respected friends Red Fox. Of course, she also trains there, but that's a completely different story. After talking, I realized that a good option to return to sport mode after a long break would be to recruit a good amount of climbing in competition. This is logical. Competitions give an incentive to get together and give good loads to the muscles in a short time. And since the tracks of the festival are not the limit for my level, I said to myself: "Not a bad idea, if only I was lucky with the weather!"
And lucky. It was sunny all three days. The trainers and the judging team were at their best. A huge amount of work has been done. The festival was attended by many sponsors who contributed to these starts. Of course, I cannot fail to draw your attention to the General sponsor of the competition, Red Fox, without which the festival would be just an idea. Many thanks to them for the 650 braces that were hung on all the routes of the rock.
To perform well (in the overall standings), you need to take into account a lot of nuances. Strategy, rest intervals, meal times, sleep times, partner selection, support team, and more. As a partner, it just so happened took Anna Mikushkina. Or she me. I don't know the answer to this question yet. One of the ideas is her insidious plan to exploit me mercilessly :)
Ultimately, I'm glad that I was with her. After two and a half days of the festival, we, having done a great job to deplete our body, showed the best result among men and women in the overall standings. The onsight position was ignored. But I understood that all the tracks must be climbed at the festival on the first try, otherwise it would be simply impossible to climb the maximum tracks and get ahead of the rivals. My result is 143 runs. Of these, 138 are from the first. As a result, both she and I received the crown in the overall standings. In the classification of difficulty, both she and I took second places. In the discipline of bouldering, Anya found the strength to go through difficult routes, which provided her with the second position. Unfortunately I'm not in the prizes. More difficult routes, after two days of continuous climbing, already seemed like something outrageous for me.
Once again I want to thank everyone who took part in the preparation for the festival. And many thanks to those who supported our non-stop climbing day and night!
KARELIAN ROCKS 2017 - Why I decided to take part and who got me into this mess.

Everythig starts from the moment when you realize that you were wrong. It was because of my last injuries. Of course I thought that I couldn't get this injuries if I wired differently. Unfortunately such thoughts appears much later. Then it is useful for analizing the situation to stay it off in future.
The idea to take part in KARELIAN ROCKS appered close to the event. I talked with my good friend and climber Anna Mikushkina who trains in Igels Club supported by our dear friends RedFox (Anna also works as climbing trainer here) and I understood that it would be good idea to take part in competition for coming back to sport regime ... Any competition can give good motivation for concentration promptly and also good impacts on your body. Route's categories were not extreme for me and I told myself: “It's really good idea, if we get lucky with the weather!” And it was really great, all days were sunny. Route setters and judjes were on top. It was really good job.
Many sponsores supported this event. Many thanks to our general sponsor Red Fox, without their support the festival would be just an idea. Many thanks them for 650 quick draws, which have already hanged.
If you want to have a good place at competition you should to consider many nuances - strategy, rest time, meals, sleeping, choosing a belayer, fan base and so on. As my belayer I chose Anna Mikushkina. Or she chose me, I certainly don't know. Her evel plan was to exploit me merciless =)
All in all I am really glad, that she was a part of our team. At the end of two days we gained the best result among all men and women. It was hard and exhasted job. On-sight was't counted in the total. But I understood that all routes must be climbed at my first attempt, otherwise it would be impossible to climb maximum routes and ahead other competitors. My result - 143 routes, 138 on-sights. Anna and I got crownes. In lead we both are second. Ann was strong for climbing dif
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