The earth is large. Large enough that you...

The earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate, From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run... To the #edgeoftheEarth, where all is safe again. Quiet and Warm. The Solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment..., you believe you have escaped.

Земля очень большая; достаточно большая, чтобы вы могли думать, что можно спрятаться от всего: от судьбы, от бога. Надо только найти местечко подальше... и выдержать… Бегите на край земли, где вновь найдёте безопасность, покой и тишину; утешение, которое принесёт солёный бриз; умиротворение от того, что опасность осталась позади; наслаждение в печали. И, возможно, на мгновение вы поверите в то, что вам удалось ускользнуть.

#непутевыезаметочки #srilanka #HortonPlains #WorldsEnd
The earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate, From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run ... To the #edgeoftheEarth, where all is safe again. Quiet and Warm. The Solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment ..., you believe you have escaped.

The land is very large; big enough for you to think that you can hide from everything: from fate, from God. You just need to find a place far away ... and endure ... Run to the ends of the earth, where you will again find safety, peace and quiet; the consolation that the salty breeze will bring; appeasement from the fact that the danger is left behind; delight in sorrow. And perhaps for a moment you will believe that you managed to slip away.

#Unlucky notes #srilanka #HortonPlains #WorldsEnd
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