Что нужно для ОНЛАЙНФОТО? Нужно совсем немного: ✔️‌смартфон/ноутбук...

Что нужно для ОНЛАЙНФОТО?

Нужно совсем немного:
✔️‌аксессуары для съёмки
✔️‌стабильный интернет
✔️‌немного креатива
Остальное будет зависеть от взаимодействия с фотографом???? Времени по моему опыту хватает 1,5 часа. Но при желании можно сниматься и дольше) Всё зависит от вас))
Есть вопросы? Отвечаю в директе или по телефону +7(921)7525812

What is needed for ONLINE PHOTO?????
It takes quite a bit:
‌smartphone / laptop
accessories for shooting
stable internet
‌a bit of creativity
The rest will depend on the interaction with the photographer???? In my experience, 1.5 hours is enough. But if you wish, you can take off longer) It all depends on you))
Have questions? I answer indirect or by phone +7(921)7525812
#наудаленке #фотосессиянаудаленке
What do you need for ONLINE PHOTO?

Very little is needed:
✔️‌smartphone / laptop
✔️‌ tripod
✔️‌ skype
✔️‌ shooting accessories
✔️‌stable internet
✔️‌ a bit of creativity
✔️‌ savvy
The rest will depend on the interaction with the photographer ???? Time in my experience is 1.5 hours. But if you wish, you can shoot for longer) It all depends on you))
Have questions? I answer in direct or by phone +7 (921) 7525812

What is needed for ONLINE PHOTO ?????
It takes quite a bit:
‌Smartphone / laptop
accessories for shooting
stable internet
‌A bit of creativity
The rest will depend on the interaction with the photographer ???? In my experience, 1.5 hours is enough. But if you wish, you can take off longer) It all depends on you))
Have questions? I answer indirect or by phone +7 (921) 7525812
# remote sensation # photoshoot
#photo remote
#photo shootin isolation
#on the quarantine
#photo shootin guarantee
#house model
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