Сначала нам неособенно везло на открытые гомпы.. Мы...

Сначала нам неособенно везло на открытые гомпы.. Мы шли через прекрасные горы, реки и водопады, но гомпы мы наблюдали только снаружи. Иногда мы видели лам, которые проходили мимо, и затем понимали, что эти ламы были из тех самых закрытых гомп..
Тем не менее, в месте под именем Дарапани, хозяин лоджа проникся тем, что мы буддисты и рассказал нам, что как раз над Дарапани (примерно на 700 метров выше) есть хорошая гомпа, куда приезжал даже какой-то Ринпоче и медитировал там целых три месяца. Утром мы решили её посетить..
Поднявшись к верхней долине, где находилась ещё одна деревня, пройдя по подвесному мосту между горами, и немного заблудившись по дороге, мы всё-таки добрели до Ниингмапинской гомпы, которая тоже была закрыта.
Однако, монахиня, хозяйничающая на кухне, попросила нас подождать - другая монахиня с ключем от гомпы должна была вот-вот прийти..
Она напоила нас чаем с печенькой, рассказала о том, что тот Ринпоче, который любил медитировать здесь, уже ушёл от нас до следующего перерождения, а когда услышала, что мы последователи школы Карма Кагью, рассказала, что получала посвящение от Шамарпы на Боуде в Катманду. От нас она узнала, что Кармапа уже женат и теперь с сыном. Она потребовала фотографии и мы показали то, что было у Димы в отсутствие интернета на телефоне.
Ключи от гомпы мы так и не дождались. Попрощавшись, направились обратно в Дарапани, получив на последок наказ от гостеприимной хозяйки принести больше фотографий Кармапы и Шамарпы в следующий раз.

We were not lucky to see open gompas in the beginning. We went through wonderful mountains, rivers and waterfalls but gompas were found only closed. Sometimes we saw lamas who passed by and then we understood that they were from those closed gompas.
Nevertheless, there was a place named Dharapani. The owner of the lodge in that place liked we were buddhists and told us about gompa around 700 meters above Dharapani where one Rinpoche had meditated for 3 months. We decided to visit this place in the morning..
After climbing 700 meters up to the higher valley we saw one more village. Then we went through the suspended bridge, got lost a bit and finally reached the gompa which was closed as well.
However, nun who managed in the kitchen asked us to wait, because another nun with the key had to come soon..
She treated us with a tea and cookies, said that Rinpoche who had meditated there had already passed away. And when she knew we were Karma Kagyu school followers, told us that she had received empowerment from Shamarpa in Bouddhnath, Kathmandu. She heard from us that Karmapa was married and got a son now. She asked for photos and we showed that Dima had on his phone without internet.
We could not wait for the key from the gompa anymore and told goodbye turning to Dharapani back. At the end we recievied the order from the nun to bring more photos of Karmapa and Shamarpa next time.
At first, we were not particularly lucky to see the open gompa .. We walked through beautiful mountains, rivers and waterfalls, but we only saw the gompa outside. Sometimes we saw lamas passing by, and then we realized that these lamas were from those very closed gompas ..
Nevertheless, in a place called Darapani, the owner of the lodge was inspired by the fact that we are Buddhists and told us that just above Darapani (about 700 meters higher) there is a good gompa, where even some Rinpoche came and meditated there for three months. In the morning we decided to visit it ..
Climbing to the upper valley, where there was another village, passing along a suspension bridge between the mountains, and getting a little lost on the road, we still got to Nyingmapa gompa, which was also closed.
However, the nun who hosted the kitchen asked us to wait - another nun with the key to the gompa was about to come ..
She gave us tea with a cookie, told us that the Rinpoche who loved to meditate here had already left us before the next rebirth, and when she heard that we were followers of the Karma Kagyu school, she told that she had received initiation from Shamarpa on Boud in Kathmandu ... She learned from us that the Karmapa is already married and now with a son. She demanded a photograph and we showed what Dima had in the absence of the Internet on his phone.
We never got the keys to the gompa. Having said goodbye, we headed back to Darapani, having received the last order from the hospitable hostess to bring more photos of Karmapa and Shamarpa next time.

We were not lucky to see open gompas in the beginning. We went through wonderful mountains, rivers and waterfalls but gompas were found only closed. Sometimes we saw lamas who passed by and then we understood that they were from those closed gompas.
Nevertheless, there was a place named Dharapani. The owner of the lodge in that place liked we were buddhists and told us about gompa around 700 meters above Dharapani where one Rinpoche had meditated for 3 months. We decided to visit this place in the morning ..
After climbing 700 meters up to the higher valley we saw one more village. Then we went through the suspended bridge, got lost a bit and finally reached the gompa which was closed as well.
However, nun who managed in the kitchen asked us to wait, because another nun with the key had to come soon ..
She treated us with a tea and cookies, said that Rinpoche who had meditated there had already passed away. And when she knew we were Karma Kagyu school followers, told us that she had received empowerment from Shamarpa in Bouddhnath, Kathmandu. She heard from us that Karmapa was married and got a son now. She asked for photos and we showed that Dima had on his phone without internet.
We could not wait for the key from the gompa anymore and told goodbye turning to Dharapani back. At the end we recievied the order from the nun to bring more photos of Karmapa and Shamarpa next time.
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