Спустившись после перехода Торонг Ла, мы прибыли в...

Спустившись после перехода Торонг Ла, мы прибыли в святой город Муктинатх. Святого там было, действительно, много и на каждом шагу. Сначала расскажу вам про главный храм Муктинатха.
Прежде всего, это довольно большая территория, на которой расположены несколько храмов, индуистских и буддийских, так как место является однаково святым и для той, и другой религии. Схему территории прикрепляю к посту.
Сразу слева от входа храма мы обнаружили гомпу, где у самой двери нас встречал симпатичный синий защитник буддийской школы Ниингма. Внутри гомпы находились две ступы. Видимо, гомпа была построена вокруг них. Благословение места было очень сильным - ощущались вселенское спокойствие и радость.
Дальше находился старый храм со 108ю источниками и двумя прудами. Люди пробегали под этими ледяными источниками, а затем окунались в не менее холодные бассейны-пруды. Один лама сказал нам, что это место короля Нагов и Ченрезига. И мы тоже решили воспользоваться возможностью и искупаться там (нам пообещали за это мощную очистку кармы и многое другое). Как я истошно кричу, пробегая под источниками, вы также можете посмотреть в видео в этом посте.
Справа от храма с 108ю источниками находился парк с большой статуей Будды, а за ним, в тайном углу, располагалась ещё одна буддийская гомпа, внутри которой можно было посмотреть, как огонь исходит из земли, из воды и из камня. Огонь из земли и огонь из камня мы увидели, а из воды, говорят, иногда ещё можно увидеть, но, в большинстве случаев, уже нет. Видео этой гомпы также можно посмотреть ниже.

When we got down after Torong Pass, we came to holy town, Muktinath. There was a lot of holy at every turn. I will tell you about the main temple of Muktinath first.
Above all, it was a quite large territory where were several temples, Hindu and Buddhist. This place was sacred for both religions equally. A scheme of the temple is attached to the post.
On the left side of the entrance was a Buddhist gompa. We were met by pleasant blue protector of Nyingma Buddhist school in doors. There were to stupas inside. It seems, that gompa was built around them. Blessings of this place was very powerful. We felt cosmic calmness and joy there.
There was an old temple further. It had 108 springs and 2 ponds inside. People run through those icy springs and dipped into ponds which were icy as well. One lama told us that was a place of Naga king and Chenrezig. We decided to bathe as well. They promised us a powerful purification of karma and something else. You can see a video, where I howl running through springs, below.
On the right side of that temple was a big statue of Buddha. And behind it, there was a secret temple. That temple kept a fire on the earth, a fire on the water and a fire from the stone. We saw two of them. They said that water from the water you can see rarely nowadays. A video from this gompa is also below.
Descending after crossing Torong La, we arrived at the holy city of Muktinath. There were indeed many saints there, and at every step. First, I will tell you about the main temple of Muktinath.
First of all, this is a rather large territory, on which there are several temples, Hindu and Buddhist, since the place is the same holy for both religions. I attach the scheme of the territory to the post.
Immediately to the left of the entrance of the temple, we found a gompa, where at the very door we were met by a cute blue protector of the Buddhist school of Nyingma. There were two stupas inside the gompa. Apparently the gompa was built around them. The blessing of the place was very strong - there was universal calm and joy.
Further, there was an old temple with 108 springs and two ponds. People ran under these icy springs, and then plunged into equally cold pools-ponds. One lama told us that this is the place of the King of the Nagas and Chenrezig. And we also decided to take the opportunity and swim there (we were promised for this powerful cleansing of karma and much more). As I scream heart-rendingly, running under the sources, you can also see in the video in this post.
To the right of the temple with 108 springs was a park with a large statue of Buddha, and behind it, in a secret corner, was another Buddhist gompa, inside which one could see how fire emanated from the ground, from water and from stone. We saw fire from the earth and fire from stone, but from the water, they say, sometimes you can still see it, but in most cases, no longer. A video of this gompa can also be seen below.

When we got down after Torong Pass, we came to holy town, Muktinath. There was a lot of holy at every turn. I will tell you about the main temple of Muktinath first.
Above all, it was a quite large territory where were several temples, Hindu and Buddhist. This place was sacred for both religions equally. A scheme of the temple is attached to the post.
On the left side of the entrance was a Buddhist gompa. We were met by pleasant blue protector of Nyingma Buddhist school in doors. There were to stupas inside. It seems, that gompa was built around them. Blessings of this place was very powerful. We felt cosmic calmness and joy there.
There was an old temple further. It had 108 springs and 2 ponds inside. People run through those icy springs and dipped into ponds which were icy as well. One lama told us that was a place of Naga king and Chenrezig. We decided to bathe as well. They promised us a powerful purification of karma and something else. You can see a video, where I howl running through springs, below.
On the right side of that temple was a big statue of Buddha. And behind it, there was a secret temple. That temple kept a fire on the earth, a fire on the water and a fire from the stone. We saw two of them. They said that water from the water you can see rarely nowadays. A video from this gompa is also below.
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