"Языкъ народа - лучшiй, никогда не увядающiй и...

"Языкъ народа - лучшiй, никогда не увядающiй и вечно вновь распускающiйся цвътъ всей его духовной жизни, начинающейся далеко за границами исторiи. Въ языкъ одухотворяется весь народъ и вся его родина."

"Когда исчезаетъ народный языкъ, - народа нетъ болеъ! Пока живъ языкъ народный въ устахъ народа, дъ тъхъ поръ  живъ и народъ. И нът насилiя болъе невносимаго, какъ то, которое желаетъ отнять у народа наслъдство, созданное бесчисленными поколънiями его отжившихъ предковъ. Отнимите у народа все - и он все можетъ воротить; но отнимите языкъ - и онъ никогда более уже не создастъ его; новую родину даже можетъ создать народъ, но языка - никогда."

К.Г. Ушинский "Родная Речь"
"The language of the people is the best, never fading and eternally blossoming again in all its spiritual life, beginning far beyond the boundaries of history. The entire people and their entire homeland are spiritualized in the language."

"When the folk language disappears, there is no more people! As long as the language of the people lives in the mouths of the people, the people also live. And there is no violence that is unbearable, like the one that wants to take away from the people the inheritance created by the countless generations of their outdated ancestors. the people have everything - and they can turn everything back; but take away the language - and they will never create it again; the people can even create a new homeland, but never the language. "

K.G. Ushinsky "Rodnaya Rech"
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