AI и машинлёрнинг теряют баллы. Фейсбуковские умные алгоритмы...

AI и машинлёрнинг теряют баллы.
Фейсбуковские умные алгоритмы не справились со сплетнями про американских политиков и журналистов. И сразу такой хайп. Если бы простой американец-редактор новостного раздела так ошибся, никто бы даже и не обсуждал эту новость...

> By trending the fake story, Facebook lent credibility to the hoax.
> The mistake seems like an easily avoidable one — ... had the unmistakable scent of bullshit. But without a human to catch the mistake, the story shot to the top of Facebook’s Trending list....
AI and machinelorning lose points.
Facebook's smart algorithms did not cope with gossip about American politicians and journalists. And immediately such a hype. If a simple American editor of the news section was so wrong, no one would even discuss this news ...

> By trending the fake story, Facebook lent credibility to the hoax.
> It was like the unmistakable scent of bullshit. The Trending List of Facebook’s Trending List ....
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