In the Christmas bar we were allowed just...

In the Christmas bar we were allowed just to take a picture as it was closing at 22.00 because of the coming blizzard..????❄️ Wish me luck to get my flight on Sunday..// Успели только сфотографироваться в рождественском баре, т.к. его закрывали уже в 22.00 из-за надвигающегося на Нью-Йорк шторма... Жду новостей от авиакомпании по поводу рейса в воскресенье, очень хочется домой ???? #ньюйоркньюйорк #nyc #jinglebells @ Rolf's German Restaurant
In the Christmas bar we were allowed just to take a picture as it was closing at 22.00 because of the coming blizzard .. ???? ❄️ Wish me luck to get my flight on Sunday ..// Only managed to take a picture in the Christmas bar, because it was closed already at 10 p.m. due to a storm approaching New York ... I look forward to news from the airline about the flight on Sunday, really want to go home ???? #newyorknewyork #nyc #jinglebells @ Rolf's German Restaurant
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