Это что-то невероятное на calligrafest! Майкл Салл в Петербурге в особняке Слепцов с кариатидами рассказывает о свободном и независимом духе американцев, выраженном в национальном виде письма — Спенсериане.
Michael Sull is speaking about American freedom character expressed in national script Spencerian.
#calligraphy #michaelsull #calligrafestspb #calligrafest2017
Michael Sull is speaking about American freedom character expressed in national script Spencerian.
#calligraphy #michaelsull #calligrafestspb #calligrafest2017
This is something incredible at calligrafest! Michael Sall in St. Petersburg in the Sleptsov mansion with caryatids talks about the free and independent spirit of the Americans, expressed in the national form of the letter - Spencerian.
Michael Sull is speaking about American freedom character expressed in national script Spencerian.
#calligraphy #michaelsull #calligrafestspb # calligrafest2017
Michael Sull is speaking about American freedom character expressed in national script Spencerian.
#calligraphy #michaelsull #calligrafestspb # calligrafest2017

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