IJK ????DME ????VKO ????VVO Когда рассматриваешь на карте...

IJK ????DME ????VKO ????VVO

Когда рассматриваешь на карте огромные расстояния нашей страны, восточный рубеж России - Владивосток кажется таким далеким, что, наверное, проще из Ижевска добраться до другой страны, чем преодолеть эти более 10000 километров.
Говорят, Столица Приморья – не совсем типичный русский город. Это территория грандиозного Тихого океана, невероятно красивых заливов, мостов, кораблей.
Увидеть воочию, почувствовать, вкусить, послушать, вдохнуть то, чем живет этот легендарный город - моя цель на ближайшую неделю.

Ждите вестей с нотами бриза)

Because of huge territories of our Russia, to fly in western border Vladivostok passing more than 10000 kilometers is more difficult than to fly in other country????
People say that the this city is not typically russian. It'a an area of Pacific, incredibly beautiful bays, bridges, ships. To see, to feel, to eat, to breath all about that legendary city lives is my aim to the next days.
Wish me a good flight????

IJK ???? DME ???? VKO ???? VVO

When you look at the vast distances of our country on the map, the eastern border of Russia - Vladivostok seems so far away that it is probably easier to get to another country from Izhevsk than to overcome these more than 10,000 kilometers.
They say that the capital of Primorye is not a very typical Russian city. This is the territory of the magnificent Pacific Ocean, incredibly beautiful bays, bridges, ships.
Seeing, feeling, tasting, listening, breathing in with what this legendary city lives is my goal for the coming week.

Wait for the news with notes of breeze)

Because of huge territories of our Russia, to fly in western border Vladivostok passing more than 10000 kilometers is more difficult than to fly in other country ????
People say that the this city is not typically russian. It'a an area of ​​Pacific, incredibly beautiful bays, bridges, ships. To see, to feel, to eat, to breath all about that legendary city lives is my aim to the next days.
Wish me a good flight ????

# Vladivostok
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