Канадская National Post высказывается по крымской ситуации гораздо...

Канадская National Post высказывается по крымской ситуации гораздо сдержаннее США и Британии. Тон статьи об итогах референдума почти нейтральный, упоминается лишь "нежелание Путина прислушиваться к мировому сообществу" и делаются осторожные прогнозы о возможных последствиях «крупнейшего политического кризиса между Россией и Западом с момента распада СССР».

Broken Lighthouse • a day ago
President Putin has shown the West for the inept and disorganised muddle it is. Let's be honest, he is the only one to have gained credit from this crisis, he has acted professionally and correctly from the start, he is the one who faced with a crisis on his southern border acted quickly and decisively. As for the West, this last month must be about the biggest load of bluster and hot air even they have ever managed. They haven't got a clue. Putin is the true leader in this, and lives up to the reputation he has long had in my opinion.

Президент Путин продемонстрировал Западу, какая там нелепая и дезорганизованная каша. Будем честными, он единственный, кто получил в этом кризисе поддержку. Он с самого начала действовал профессионально и корректно, и столкнувшись с кризисом на своей южной границе, отреагировал быстро и решительно. Что же касается Запада, то за прошлый месяц они выдали, наверное, больше шума и жара, чем когда-либо. Они так и не поняли. Путин здесь – подлинный лидер, и подтверждает репутацию, которую давно заработал в моих глазах.

Deamer • a day ago
Well is about the time to deal with double standards of our Western leaders.Only concern John has is about Ukraine voters.Let him remind that his country signed 1244 UN resolution confirming territorial integrity of Serbia but the next day when the marching order came from WH he has recognized new country,That is how much is worh our signiture on anyting!

Что ж, самое время разобраться с двойными стандартами западных лидеров. Единственное, что заботит Джона (имеется в виду министр иностранных дел Канады) – украинские избиратели. Пусть вспомнит, что его страна подписала резолюцию 1244 UN, которая подтверждала территориальную целостность Сербии, однако на следующий же день из Белого Дома пришел приказ выдвигаться, и он признал новую страну. Вот чего стоит наша подпись где угодно!

Jim Jacobson • a day ago
My congratulations to Crimeans and Russians.
In reality, if people living in a land want to join other people living in a neighbouring land, it is no business of other people living elsewhere, especially overseas. And if these overseas people think otherwise, the reality will teach them different.

Мои поздравления крымчанам и русским.
В реальности, если жители какой-то территории хотят присоединиться к людям, живущим в соседней стране, то это не касается жителей других мест, особенно если эти места за морем. А если эти заморские жители думают иначе, реальность научит их, что это не так.

fred • a day ago
It's easy to understand our federal government's reluctance to accept a secessionist initiative, given the Quebec situation, but what business do we have in a place that is 8 time zones away? What is our tax bill for that?

Легко понять нежелание нашего правительства признавать сецессионистскую инициативу, если учесть ситуацию с Квебеком, но какое нам дело до места в 8 часовых поясах от нас? Сколько налогов мы за это заплатим?

Sten Gunnerman • a day ago
Yatseniuk's threat to disarm the radical nationalist militias who have seized control of Ukraine is the spark that lights his funeral pyre.

Угроза Яценюка разоружить ополчение радикальных националистов, захвативших власть на Украине – это та искра, которая зажжет его погребальный костер.

Про то, что никому нет дела до самой Украины, мне уже начинает надоедать констатировать. Как показывают более напряженные комментарии к соседней статье о возможной войне России с Украиной – западного читателя больше напрягает мысль, что Путин может не ограничиться Украиной.
The Canadian National Post speaks out on the Crimean situation much more restrained than the United States and Britain. The tone of the article on the results of the referendum is almost neutral, only Putin’s “unwillingness to listen to the world community” is mentioned, and cautious predictions are made about the possible consequences of “the biggest political crisis between Russia and the West since the collapse of the USSR”.

Broken Lighthouse • a day ago
President Putin has been shown. It has been noted that it has been declaring. If you’re still the one of them. They haven't got a clue. It has long been in my opinion.

President Putin showed the West what a ridiculous and disorganized mess there is. Let's be honest, he is the only one who received support in this crisis. From the very beginning, he acted professionally and correctly, and faced with a crisis on his southern border, he reacted quickly and decisively. As for the West, over the past month they have produced, probably, more noise and heat than ever. They did not understand. Putin here is a true leader, and confirms the reputation that I have long earned in my eyes.

Deamer • a day ago
If you’re interested, you can’t see the number of women’s vote. he has recognized our country for our signiture on anyting!

Well, it's time to deal with the double standards of Western leaders. The only thing that concerns John (meaning Canadian Foreign Minister) is Ukrainian voters. Let him remember that his country signed resolution 1244 UN, which confirmed the territorial integrity of Serbia, but the very next day the White House received an order to be nominated, and he recognized the new country. That's what our signature is worth anywhere!

Jim Jacobson • a day ago
Congratulations to Crimeans and Russians.
If you want to live in peace, it’s not. The world will be different.

My congratulations to Crimeans and Russian.
In reality, if residents of a territory want to join people living in a neighboring country, then this does not apply to residents of other places, especially if these places are overseas. And if these overseas residents think differently, the reality will teach them that it is not.

fred • a day ago
It’s easy to understand that it’s 8 time zones away? What is our tax bill for that?

It is easy to understand the reluctance of our government to recognize the secessionist initiative, if we consider the situation with Quebec, but what do we care about the place in 8 time zones from us? How much tax do we pay for it?

Sten Gunnerman • a day ago
The nationalist militarism has been a spark.

The threat of Yatsenyuk to disarm the militia of the radical nationalists who seized power in Ukraine is the spark that will ignite his funeral pyre.

About the fact that no one cares about Ukraine itself, I am already beginning to bother to state. As the more intense comments on the next article about a possible war between Russia and Ukraine show, the Western reader is more strained by the idea that Putin may not be limited to Ukraine.
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