«Три поросёнка» на церковно-славянском языке
Сказание о трех свиниах
Во время оно, суща Нифъ-Нифъ иже от свиней суть, и два брата его жиста с нимъ их же имена суть Нафъ-Нафъ и Нуфъ-Нуфъ, яко же и братъ их свиниама быша. Нифъ-Нифъ и Нафъ-Нафъ юродивы быша, Нуф-Нуфъ же был свинъ, премудрости исполнен. Живуща же во стране добрей, идеже яли былие травное и от пчел сотъ, не в чем же имуща нужду, совещаша, глаголаше: яко мы, добрiи свинiи, живуща во стране добрей, не имамъ нужды, но несть нам идеже поселить ближних нашихъ, и вся имения наша. Возрастъ же имамъ пояти сибе женъ и родити сыновъ и дщерей, има же несть крова, ни ночлега не пристола домовъ наших. Сотворимъ же себе три кущи доблих, идеже вселимся с женами и чадами нашими и всемъ имением нашим. И бысть расприя в братии, яко же глагола кийждо сотворити домъ свой по желанию своему. И не решиша, како подобает сотворити домы своя, кийждо исшед сотворити яко же размышляше в себе. Сотвориша же Нифъ-Нифъ кущу из плевелъ, Нафъ-Нафъ из хврастия, а Нуфъ-Нуфъ из камене сотворша домъ.
И бысть, внегда почивали свинии сии на ложах своих подъ кровами домовъ своих, пришед въ землю ту волкъ, ища расхитити имения, его же не собра и пояти отъ скота, его же не пасох и не воздои. И уведе о поросяхъ сих, реша в себе поясти и. Пришедъ же Волкъ въ вар дневный к дому плевелному, в немъ же почивалъ Нифъ-Нифъ, не размышляя страха смертнаго грядуща к нему, дхну весьма зело на плевелы дома Нифъ-Нифова, и сотрясе стены дому того и рухнуша, яко не имеша основания на камени, вся же изъ плевелъ быша. Внегда же сокрушашася стены дома, восстав Нифъ-Нифъ от сна и рече: «О горе мне, яко не послушах увещеваний братии моих, рекших мне, яко не подобаетъ сотворити домъ из плевелъ! Азъ же по неразумию моему, сотвори сие, и чесо вижу и камо бежу ныне?» Уже отверзоша волку пасть свою на порося, избеже оный свинъ въ пределъ брата своего Нафъ-Нафа и волкъ гнаша его позади. И воставъ Наф-Нафъ от ложа своего, яко услыша толкуща брата, отверзоша. Вшед же въ горницу, возгласи Ниф-Нифъ гласоми велим «Увы мне! Яко волкъ лукавый пришед, разори имение мое плевельное и ныне грядетъ по мне ища пожрати ми!» И рече ему Ниф-Нифъ: «Пришел ты ко мне погубити и мя съ собою? Но не ужасайся же, яко не изъ плевелъ дом мой и не возможетъ волкъ зде яти ны». Еще же глаголаша има, пришед волкъ, грядущий въ следъ Ниф-Нифа, обрет дом, изъ хврастия сложен. И разуме, яко два порося сокрываста въ нем, паче озлобихся и взалках, дхну зело зело на домъ из хврастия и пошатнушася (домъ). И дхну паки, и сотрясошася стены и рухну домъ, яко же и дом Нифъ-Нифовъ. И обятъ страх велий свинии та, и излеста из хвраста дома, бежаста отъ волка в предел Нуфъ-Нуфовъ, весьма вопита, и хрюката, яко свинии бяше.
Услыша Нуфъ-Нуфъ шум, его же устрои братия его бегуща, исшед во сретение има. Узреша же бегство братий своихъ зело ужаснуся и рече имя во сретение «Чесо убо неподобное творита? Аще вы буйи есте, да бежита от волка, наипаче же должно вама сидета в домахъ своихъ, егда придет волкъ?!»
Она же реста ему, яко не огради их домы ихъ от волка и како разрушишася (домы), како бегство сотвориша и силъ уже не имут сокрытися от него. И рече Нуфъ-Нуфъ: «Внидете же подъ кровъ дома моего, или я не братъ вамъ?». Внегда же вниди свинии в домъ и затвориша двери дома Нуфъ-Нуфова, иже изъ камене суть, пришедъ къ дому волкъ, взалкавъ зело и ярости приисполнен пожрати поросей сихъ; не размышляше въ себе, яко домъ сей изъ камени сложен, дхну на него и ничесо же бысть стенамъ дома, дхну паки и паки. Разум же, яко не тако подобаетъ пояти поросей, въ доме семъ таящихся, влеша на кровлю дому сего, мняше пролести въ дымоходъ пещи огненней, юже устрои Нуфъ-Нуфъ в дому своем да согреетъ та вся ближняя его. И услыша, поросяти, яко же волкъ яко змий ползоша въ дымоход дому каменного, его же сотвори Нуфъ-Нуфъ, сотвориша очагъ в пещи и огнь возгореся, умори волка, той бо просунуша носъ с вой в пещь и застряша яко Виний Пухъ, быхъ же волк весьма упитанъ.
И возрадовашася свинии о избавлении отъ волка.
Сказание о трех свиниах
Во время оно, суща Нифъ-Нифъ иже от свиней суть, и два брата его жиста с нимъ их же имена суть Нафъ-Нафъ и Нуфъ-Нуфъ, яко же и братъ их свиниама быша. Нифъ-Нифъ и Нафъ-Нафъ юродивы быша, Нуф-Нуфъ же был свинъ, премудрости исполнен. Живуща же во стране добрей, идеже яли былие травное и от пчел сотъ, не в чем же имуща нужду, совещаша, глаголаше: яко мы, добрiи свинiи, живуща во стране добрей, не имамъ нужды, но несть нам идеже поселить ближних нашихъ, и вся имения наша. Возрастъ же имамъ пояти сибе женъ и родити сыновъ и дщерей, има же несть крова, ни ночлега не пристола домовъ наших. Сотворимъ же себе три кущи доблих, идеже вселимся с женами и чадами нашими и всемъ имением нашим. И бысть расприя в братии, яко же глагола кийждо сотворити домъ свой по желанию своему. И не решиша, како подобает сотворити домы своя, кийждо исшед сотворити яко же размышляше в себе. Сотвориша же Нифъ-Нифъ кущу из плевелъ, Нафъ-Нафъ из хврастия, а Нуфъ-Нуфъ из камене сотворша домъ.
И бысть, внегда почивали свинии сии на ложах своих подъ кровами домовъ своих, пришед въ землю ту волкъ, ища расхитити имения, его же не собра и пояти отъ скота, его же не пасох и не воздои. И уведе о поросяхъ сих, реша в себе поясти и. Пришедъ же Волкъ въ вар дневный к дому плевелному, в немъ же почивалъ Нифъ-Нифъ, не размышляя страха смертнаго грядуща к нему, дхну весьма зело на плевелы дома Нифъ-Нифова, и сотрясе стены дому того и рухнуша, яко не имеша основания на камени, вся же изъ плевелъ быша. Внегда же сокрушашася стены дома, восстав Нифъ-Нифъ от сна и рече: «О горе мне, яко не послушах увещеваний братии моих, рекших мне, яко не подобаетъ сотворити домъ из плевелъ! Азъ же по неразумию моему, сотвори сие, и чесо вижу и камо бежу ныне?» Уже отверзоша волку пасть свою на порося, избеже оный свинъ въ пределъ брата своего Нафъ-Нафа и волкъ гнаша его позади. И воставъ Наф-Нафъ от ложа своего, яко услыша толкуща брата, отверзоша. Вшед же въ горницу, возгласи Ниф-Нифъ гласоми велим «Увы мне! Яко волкъ лукавый пришед, разори имение мое плевельное и ныне грядетъ по мне ища пожрати ми!» И рече ему Ниф-Нифъ: «Пришел ты ко мне погубити и мя съ собою? Но не ужасайся же, яко не изъ плевелъ дом мой и не возможетъ волкъ зде яти ны». Еще же глаголаша има, пришед волкъ, грядущий въ следъ Ниф-Нифа, обрет дом, изъ хврастия сложен. И разуме, яко два порося сокрываста въ нем, паче озлобихся и взалках, дхну зело зело на домъ из хврастия и пошатнушася (домъ). И дхну паки, и сотрясошася стены и рухну домъ, яко же и дом Нифъ-Нифовъ. И обятъ страх велий свинии та, и излеста из хвраста дома, бежаста отъ волка в предел Нуфъ-Нуфовъ, весьма вопита, и хрюката, яко свинии бяше.
Услыша Нуфъ-Нуфъ шум, его же устрои братия его бегуща, исшед во сретение има. Узреша же бегство братий своихъ зело ужаснуся и рече имя во сретение «Чесо убо неподобное творита? Аще вы буйи есте, да бежита от волка, наипаче же должно вама сидета в домахъ своихъ, егда придет волкъ?!»
Она же реста ему, яко не огради их домы ихъ от волка и како разрушишася (домы), како бегство сотвориша и силъ уже не имут сокрытися от него. И рече Нуфъ-Нуфъ: «Внидете же подъ кровъ дома моего, или я не братъ вамъ?». Внегда же вниди свинии в домъ и затвориша двери дома Нуфъ-Нуфова, иже изъ камене суть, пришедъ къ дому волкъ, взалкавъ зело и ярости приисполнен пожрати поросей сихъ; не размышляше въ себе, яко домъ сей изъ камени сложен, дхну на него и ничесо же бысть стенамъ дома, дхну паки и паки. Разум же, яко не тако подобаетъ пояти поросей, въ доме семъ таящихся, влеша на кровлю дому сего, мняше пролести въ дымоходъ пещи огненней, юже устрои Нуфъ-Нуфъ в дому своем да согреетъ та вся ближняя его. И услыша, поросяти, яко же волкъ яко змий ползоша въ дымоход дому каменного, его же сотвори Нуфъ-Нуфъ, сотвориша очагъ в пещи и огнь возгореся, умори волка, той бо просунуша носъ с вой в пещь и застряша яко Виний Пухъ, быхъ же волк весьма упитанъ.
И возрадовашася свинии о избавлении отъ волка.
"Three Little Pigs" in Church Slavonic
The Tale of the Three Pigs
At the time, it, being Nif-Nif even from pigs, is the essence, and its two brothers, the jist with it, their names are Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf, just like their brother was pork. Nif-Nif and Naf-Naf were holy fools, Nuf-Nuf was a pig, wisdom was fulfilled. But living in a country of goodness, even if there was grass past and honey from bees, there is nothing in need, consultant, verb: as we, good pigs, living in a country of goodness, have no need of imam, but to bring us hope to settle our neighbors, and all our property. But if you grow up imam to sing your wife and give birth to sons and daughters, they also have no shelter, and did not prin our home for the night. Let us make three good things for ourselves, even if we dwell with our wives and children, and with all our possessions. And the speed of the feud in the brethren, as if the verb kizhdo create your house according to your desire. And without deciding what it was appropriate to create his own houses, every one who went out to create it was as if reflecting in himself. Having created Nif-Nif, I scribbled out of tares, Naf-Naf out of hrastia, and Nuf-Nuf from the stone of the creator of the house.
And quickly, these pigs always rested on their lodges under the roofs of their houses, having come to the ground that wolf, looking for the plunder of the estate, it wasn’t gathered and eaten from cattle, it wasn’t a bumblebee or a load. And I will lead you away from these little pigs, deciding to embody and. Volk came to take the daylight to the tare house, but Nif-Nif slept in it, without thinking of the mortal fear coming to him, Dhna was very angry with the tares of Nif-Nifov’s house, and shook the walls of the house and the rush, as if it had no foundation on the stone , all the same was spit byl. Always lamenting the walls of the house, having risen Nif-Nif from sleep and a speech: “Oh woe to me, as if I did not obey the exhortations of my brethren who had given me, it was not right for me to create a house from the tares! Why, by my foolishness, do this, and I see the Cheso and the Camo now running? ” Already opening her wolf to fall on the piglet, avoid this pig to the limits of his brother Naf-Naf and the wolf of his gnash behind. And put Naf-Naf from his bed, as if having heard his brother’s crushing, he opened. Entering the upper room, exclamations of Nif-Nif glasomi, we command "Alas for me! “Like a wolf, a crafty one, ruin my humble estate, and now it is coming after me, seeking to devour me!” And Nif-Nif spoke to him: “Have you come to destroy me and eat me? But do not be horrified, for my house did not spit out, nor could a wolf be able to eat me. ” Also, the verb Ima, the wolf came, coming in the footsteps of Nif-Nif, will find a home, it’s difficult to escape from ailment. And the mind, like two piglets hiding in it, more embittered and embarrassed, dhnu zelo was green at home out of hrusty and shaky (house). And Dhnu packs, and the walls shook and the house collapsed, just like the house of Nif-Nifov. And the fear was overwhelmed by the great pork, and spoiled from the fire of the house, fleeing from the wolf to the limit of Nuf-Nufov, quite yelling, and a grunt, like a pork more.
Hearing the noise of Nuf-Nuf, arrange it for his brethren to flee, having gone out to meet him. When I see that the flight of my brethren is terrified, I will speak the name for the meeting, “What a miracle is she doing? If you are naturally buoys, let’s run away from the wolf, but most of all you should be sitting in your houses, will the wolf always come ?! ”
She was restoring to him, as long as they did not protect their houses from the wolf, and how they would collapse (houses), how you would flee and the strength could no longer hide from him. And the Nuf-Nuf speech: “Will you go up to the roof of my house, or will I not be your brother?” Always bring the pigs into the house and shut the doors of the house of Nuf-Nufov, as well as from the stone the essence, having come to the house of a wolf, is filled with zeal and rage filled with devour these pigs; Do not think to yourself, as this house is made of stone, I’m dhnu on it and at the same time be quick at the walls of the house, Dhnu packs and packs. Reason, however, is not so fitting for singing pigs in a house of seven, laying on the roof of this house, less to pour into the chimney of a cave of fire, already arrange Nuf-Nuf in your house and let its whole neighbor warm. And hearing, piglets, like a wolf, like a serpent crawling into a chimney in a stone house, create it Nuf-Nuf, create a hearth in a cave and burn fire, die a wolf, push that nose to howl into a cave and get stuck like Viniy Pooh, the wolf is very well-fed.
And rejoicing pigs about getting rid of the wolf.
The Tale of the Three Pigs
At the time, it, being Nif-Nif even from pigs, is the essence, and its two brothers, the jist with it, their names are Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf, just like their brother was pork. Nif-Nif and Naf-Naf were holy fools, Nuf-Nuf was a pig, wisdom was fulfilled. But living in a country of goodness, even if there was grass past and honey from bees, there is nothing in need, consultant, verb: as we, good pigs, living in a country of goodness, have no need of imam, but to bring us hope to settle our neighbors, and all our property. But if you grow up imam to sing your wife and give birth to sons and daughters, they also have no shelter, and did not prin our home for the night. Let us make three good things for ourselves, even if we dwell with our wives and children, and with all our possessions. And the speed of the feud in the brethren, as if the verb kizhdo create your house according to your desire. And without deciding what it was appropriate to create his own houses, every one who went out to create it was as if reflecting in himself. Having created Nif-Nif, I scribbled out of tares, Naf-Naf out of hrastia, and Nuf-Nuf from the stone of the creator of the house.
And quickly, these pigs always rested on their lodges under the roofs of their houses, having come to the ground that wolf, looking for the plunder of the estate, it wasn’t gathered and eaten from cattle, it wasn’t a bumblebee or a load. And I will lead you away from these little pigs, deciding to embody and. Volk came to take the daylight to the tare house, but Nif-Nif slept in it, without thinking of the mortal fear coming to him, Dhna was very angry with the tares of Nif-Nifov’s house, and shook the walls of the house and the rush, as if it had no foundation on the stone , all the same was spit byl. Always lamenting the walls of the house, having risen Nif-Nif from sleep and a speech: “Oh woe to me, as if I did not obey the exhortations of my brethren who had given me, it was not right for me to create a house from the tares! Why, by my foolishness, do this, and I see the Cheso and the Camo now running? ” Already opening her wolf to fall on the piglet, avoid this pig to the limits of his brother Naf-Naf and the wolf of his gnash behind. And put Naf-Naf from his bed, as if having heard his brother’s crushing, he opened. Entering the upper room, exclamations of Nif-Nif glasomi, we command "Alas for me! “Like a wolf, a crafty one, ruin my humble estate, and now it is coming after me, seeking to devour me!” And Nif-Nif spoke to him: “Have you come to destroy me and eat me? But do not be horrified, for my house did not spit out, nor could a wolf be able to eat me. ” Also, the verb Ima, the wolf came, coming in the footsteps of Nif-Nif, will find a home, it’s difficult to escape from ailment. And the mind, like two piglets hiding in it, more embittered and embarrassed, dhnu zelo was green at home out of hrusty and shaky (house). And Dhnu packs, and the walls shook and the house collapsed, just like the house of Nif-Nifov. And the fear was overwhelmed by the great pork, and spoiled from the fire of the house, fleeing from the wolf to the limit of Nuf-Nufov, quite yelling, and a grunt, like a pork more.
Hearing the noise of Nuf-Nuf, arrange it for his brethren to flee, having gone out to meet him. When I see that the flight of my brethren is terrified, I will speak the name for the meeting, “What a miracle is she doing? If you are naturally buoys, let’s run away from the wolf, but most of all you should be sitting in your houses, will the wolf always come ?! ”
She was restoring to him, as long as they did not protect their houses from the wolf, and how they would collapse (houses), how you would flee and the strength could no longer hide from him. And the Nuf-Nuf speech: “Will you go up to the roof of my house, or will I not be your brother?” Always bring the pigs into the house and shut the doors of the house of Nuf-Nufov, as well as from the stone the essence, having come to the house of a wolf, is filled with zeal and rage filled with devour these pigs; Do not think to yourself, as this house is made of stone, I’m dhnu on it and at the same time be quick at the walls of the house, Dhnu packs and packs. Reason, however, is not so fitting for singing pigs in a house of seven, laying on the roof of this house, less to pour into the chimney of a cave of fire, already arrange Nuf-Nuf in your house and let its whole neighbor warm. And hearing, piglets, like a wolf, like a serpent crawling into a chimney in a stone house, create it Nuf-Nuf, create a hearth in a cave and burn fire, die a wolf, push that nose to howl into a cave and get stuck like Viniy Pooh, the wolf is very well-fed.
And rejoicing pigs about getting rid of the wolf.
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