upd. А сегодня даже ничего не болит. Всё, организм адаптировался.
Догоняем няшек Фронинга и Бейли ;)
4 часа, 5 тренировок.
1. 21-15-9 reps of
Hang squat clean, 16 kg dumbbells
Handstand push-ups
2. Час c мелочью микс-файта у Вовы. Кстати, первый раз нормально получил по мордасам ;)
3. Weighted Pull-up, 5 rep max (10-15-20-25 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 3 rep max (30 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 1 rep max (35 kg, 40 fail)
4. Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts: body weight (75 kg)
21 Box jump, 20 inch box
5. Run 2.5 km. 11:28
Самое забавное (и очень, очень неправильное), что я ел за день 1 бутер с колбасой и сыром, выпил чашку чая и небольшую коробочку йогурта.
Самочувствие прекрасное.
Теперь я понимаю как Фронинг ебашит 4-5 тренировок за день. И какое состояние организма ему это дает.
Догоняем няшек Фронинга и Бейли ;)
4 часа, 5 тренировок.
1. 21-15-9 reps of
Hang squat clean, 16 kg dumbbells
Handstand push-ups
2. Час c мелочью микс-файта у Вовы. Кстати, первый раз нормально получил по мордасам ;)
3. Weighted Pull-up, 5 rep max (10-15-20-25 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 3 rep max (30 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 1 rep max (35 kg, 40 fail)
4. Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts: body weight (75 kg)
21 Box jump, 20 inch box
5. Run 2.5 km. 11:28
Самое забавное (и очень, очень неправильное), что я ел за день 1 бутер с колбасой и сыром, выпил чашку чая и небольшую коробочку йогурта.
Самочувствие прекрасное.
Теперь я понимаю как Фронинг ебашит 4-5 тренировок за день. И какое состояние организма ему это дает.
upd. And today, even nothing hurts. Everything, the body has adapted.
Catch up with the naughty Froning and Bailey;)
4 hours, 5 workouts.
1.21-15-9 reps of
Hang squat clean, 16 kg dumbbells
Handstand push-ups
2. An hour with a trifle of a mix fight at Vova. By the way, the first time I got it right in face;)
3. Weighted Pull-up, 5 rep max (10-15-20-25 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 3 rep max (30 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted pull-up, 1 rep max (35 kg, 40 fail)
4. Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts: body weight (75 kg)
21 Box jump, 20 inch box
5. Run 2.5 km. 11:28
The funny thing (and very, very wrong) was that I ate 1 day butcher with sausage and cheese, drank a cup of tea and a small box of yogurt.
She feels wonderful.
Now I understand how Froning makes 4-5 workouts a day. And what state of the body does this give him.
Catch up with the naughty Froning and Bailey;)
4 hours, 5 workouts.
1.21-15-9 reps of
Hang squat clean, 16 kg dumbbells
Handstand push-ups
2. An hour with a trifle of a mix fight at Vova. By the way, the first time I got it right in face;)
3. Weighted Pull-up, 5 rep max (10-15-20-25 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up, 3 rep max (30 kg)
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted pull-up, 1 rep max (35 kg, 40 fail)
4. Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts: body weight (75 kg)
21 Box jump, 20 inch box
5. Run 2.5 km. 11:28
The funny thing (and very, very wrong) was that I ate 1 day butcher with sausage and cheese, drank a cup of tea and a small box of yogurt.
She feels wonderful.
Now I understand how Froning makes 4-5 workouts a day. And what state of the body does this give him.

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