For the sunny girl - for Mary ????????☀✨...

For the sunny girl - for Mary ????????☀✨
... We used to walk down by the river.
Обычно мы спускались к реке,
She loved to watch the sun go down.
Она любила смотреть на закат,
We used to walk along the river
Обычно мы ходили вдоль реки
And dream our way out of this town...
И мечтали выбраться из этого городка...

холст, масло, поталь

#картинаназаказ #картинамаслом #painting #sealandscape #морскойпейзаж #океан #море #живописьмаслом #oilpainting
For the sunny girl - for Mary ???????? ☀✨
???????? ✨✨✨☀☀☀☀
... We used to walk down by the river.
Usually we went down to the river,
She loved to watch the sun go down.
She loved to watch the sunset
We used to walk along the river
Usually we walked along the river
And dream our way out of this town ...
And dreamed of getting out of this town ...

oil on canvas

#picture #order #painting #sealandscape #seascape #ocean #sea #oilpainting
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