My -ST of 2018, самые-самые моменты прошлого года:...

My -ST of 2018, самые-самые моменты прошлого года:

✔️ Takeaway of the year: nothing actually exists. All I see is a pure projection of my brain. So why not to make it up the way I want!

Все, что есть в моей жизни = проекция моего мозга. Я могу выдумывать всю свою жизнь как хочу. Все, что я вижу выдумка моего мозга.

✔️The most significant trip: trip to the US.

Самое сильное путешествие: США

✔️The best book: ECKHART TOLLE, A NEW EARTH. ⠀
Самая сильная книга: Экхарт Толле, Новая Земля. Пожалуй это книга жизни. Удивительно, но она не всем заходит, у меня же было ощущение, что это я ее писала ???? Так просто и при этом глубоко о смысле не читала ещё ни у кого.

✔️ Old new: BUDDHISM. The book of Rinpoche, neuroscience, meditation, all draws me back to Buddhism philosophy.

Старое новое: философия БУДДИЗМа, она упорно возвращается ко мне через людей, Ринпоче, нейронауку, которой я увлеклась. Я точно знаю я там уже была.

✔️New: psychology based on neuro science and karma management.

Новое: психология, основанная на нейронауке и кармический менеджмент.

✔️ Pain of the year: it was super painful back in September to be with NO decision. But once decision was taken - I feel freedom inside me.
Боль: Сентябрь был тяжелым, потому что я не решалась принять решение. Оно было одно из самых смелых и верных. Поделюсь потом.

Inspirers, вдохновители:

Osho, Mingyur Rinpoche, Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Dmitry Trotskiy, Richard Branson.

Thank you 2018, hello 2019 ????
My -ST of 2018, the most-most moments of last year:

✔️ Takeaway of the year: nothing actually exists. All I see is a pure projection of my brain. So why not to make it up the way I want!

Everything in my life = projection of my brain. I can invent my whole life as I want. All I see is a fiction of my brain.

✔️The most significant trip: trip to the US.

Most powerful trip: USA

✔️The best book: ECKHART TOLLE, A NEW EARTH. ⠀
The strongest book: Eckhart Tolle, New Earth. Perhaps this is the book of life. Surprisingly, it doesn’t suit everyone, I had a feeling that I wrote it ???? It’s so simple and yet deeply about the meaning I haven’t read to anyone else.

✔️ Old new: BUDDHISM. The book of Rinpoche, neuroscience, meditation, all draws me back to Buddhism philosophy.

The old new: the philosophy of BUDDHISM, it stubbornly returns to me through people, Rinpoche, neuroscience, which I became interested in. I know for sure I was already there.

✔️New: psychology based on neuro science and karma management.

New: psychology based on neuroscience and karmic management.

✔️ Pain of the year: it was super painful back in September to be with NO decision. But once decision was taken - I feel freedom inside me.
Pain: September was difficult because I did not dare to make a decision. It was one of the most daring and faithful. I will share later.

Inspirers, inspirers:

Osho, Mingyur Rinpoche, Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Dmitry Trotskiy, Richard Branson.

Thank you 2018, hello 2019 ????
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