Моя ученица начала писать картину по мотивам Афремова - это будет диптих. Слева будут фонари. Людей я помогла писать, все остальное она сама.
My student started to paint painting consisting of two - it will one more on the left side. I helped to paint people, the rest she made by herself.
My student started to paint painting consisting of two - it will one more on the left side. I helped to paint people, the rest she made by herself.
Моя ученица начала писать картину по мотивам Афремова - это будет диптих. Слева будут фонари. Людей я помогла писать, все остальное она сама.
My student started to paint painting consisting of two - it will one more on the left side. I helped to paint people, the rest she made by herself.
My student started to paint painting consisting of two - it will one more on the left side. I helped to paint people, the rest she made by herself.

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0 репостов,
114 просмотров.
Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Irina Buenger