Вчера читала доклад The model of products competition...

Вчера читала доклад The model of products competition in mobile devices market на International Research Conference GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2017 в секции The Digital Economy and the Internet. Для меня вот такое выступление и дискуссия на английском впервые. И так же сильно я волновалась, наверное, только перед защитой кандидатской диссертации. Не привыкла я и теряюсь, когда слышу представление Victoria Grigoryeva PhD in Economics Associate Professor the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Забавно всё это звучит и как-будто не я это.
Всё прошло доброжелательно и мы с соавтором, Яной Салиховой, получили новые предложения идеи и мотивацию для развития нашего исследования. Ведь идеи рождаются не в голове, а между головами.
Yesterday I read the report of The model of products competition in mobile devices market at the International Research Conference GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2017 in The Digital Economy and the Internet section. For me, here is such a presentation and discussion in English for the first time. And I was also very worried, probably only before defending my dissertation. I'm not used to it and get lost when I hear the presentation of Victoria Grigoryeva PhD in Economics Associate Professor the National Research University Higher School of Economics. It all sounds funny and as if it weren’t me.
Everything went benevolently and we, co-author, Yana Salikhova, received new ideas and motivation for the development of our research. After all, ideas are not born in the head, but between the heads.
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