Пять лет назад я приблизительно такая приехала в Москву прямиком из исландского путешествия. Не зная, надолго ли, не имея ни планов, ни уверенности в себе. Москва меня воспитала, и когда я оглядываюсь на время, прожитое здесь, я вижу, как сильно я изменилась. Сегодняшняя "я" - всё та же "я", только лучше.
Five years in Moscow feel like s whole life lived from a fresher, just returned from Iceland, with no plans or confidence, to a person I am today - strong, independent and trained by Moscow to overcome any difficulty. I am still the same as I've been at a the shot, but better. And I am improving ever day.
#fiveyearsataglance #пятьлеткакдень
Five years in Moscow feel like s whole life lived from a fresher, just returned from Iceland, with no plans or confidence, to a person I am today - strong, independent and trained by Moscow to overcome any difficulty. I am still the same as I've been at a the shot, but better. And I am improving ever day.
#fiveyearsataglance #пятьлеткакдень
Пять лет назад я приблизительно такая приехала в Москву прямиком из исландского путешествия. Не зная, надолго ли, не имея ни планов, ни уверенности в себе. Москва меня воспитала, и когда я оглядываюсь на время, прожитое здесь, я вижу, как сильно я изменилась. Сегодняшняя "я" - всё та же "я", только лучше.
Five years in Moscow feel like s whole life lived from a fresher, just returned from Iceland, with no plans or confidence, to a person I am today - strong, independent and trained by Moscow to overcome any difficulty. I am still the same as I've been at a the shot, but better. And I am improving ever day.
#fiveyearsataglance #пятьлеткакдень
Five years in Moscow feel like s whole life lived from a fresher, just returned from Iceland, with no plans or confidence, to a person I am today - strong, independent and trained by Moscow to overcome any difficulty. I am still the same as I've been at a the shot, but better. And I am improving ever day.
#fiveyearsataglance #пятьлеткакдень

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