Я хочу поздравить главную женщину в моей жизни! Если параллельные вселенные существуют, то я бы хотела родиться вновь у моих родителей, чтобы дарить им только радость каждый свой день! Во всех моих начинаниях, глупых затеях, во всем-меня поддерживает Мама! Она знает все обо мне и принимает это, а я счастлива от того, что могу быть той кто я есть на самом деле, что могу говорить правду и ничего не скрывать! Никакие материальные ценности не могут быть прекрасней любви- моя мама знает это! Иногда ей сложно, но она меня безгранично поддерживает и продолжает идти рядом! ♥️I want to congratulate the main woman of my life! If parallel universes exist, then I would like to be born again to my parents, in order to give them only joy every day! In all my endeavors, foolish ventures in everything, Mom supports me, she knows everything about me and accepts it, and I am happy that I can be who I really am, that I can tell the truth and not hide anything! No material values can be more beautiful than love-my mother knows it! Sometimes it is difficult for her, but she supports me endlessly and continues to walk alongside!
I want to congratulate the main woman in my life! If parallel universes exist, then I would like to be born again with my parents in order to give them only joy every day! In all my undertakings, stupid undertakings, in everything, Mom supports me! She knows everything about me and accepts it, and I am happy that I can be who I really am, that I can tell the truth and not hide anything! No material values can be more beautiful than love - my mother knows this! Sometimes it’s difficult for her, but she endlessly supports me and continues to go alongside me! ♥ ️I want to congratulate the main woman of my life! If parallel universes exist, then I would like to be born again to my parents, in order to give them only joy every day! In all my endeavors, foolish ventures in everything, Mom supports me, she knows everything about me and accepts it, and I am happy that I can be who I really am, that I can tell the truth and not hide anything! No material values can be more beautiful than love-my mother knows it! Sometimes it is difficult for her, but she supports me endlessly and continues to walk alongside!

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