Первый фотосет нового питомца. С именем пока консенсус...

Первый фотосет нового питомца. С именем пока консенсус не найден, поэтому пока Дарий, либо дед Антон, он же Антон Палыч. Пол мужской, возраст неопределённый, толку как и от первых двух / This is the first photo session with new dog. His name doesn't choose finally. There are two variants: Darius or Old man Anton (or Anton Palych) #Darius #dog #pyhajarvi #Святозеро #дедантон #антопалыч #Святозеро #Карелия #важинскоепоместье
The first photoset of a new pet. No consensus has been found with the name, so far Darius or grandfather Anton, aka Anton Palych. Gender is male, age is indefinite, as well as from the first two / This is the first photo session with new dog. His name doesn't choose finally. There are two variants: Darius or Old man Anton (or Anton Palych) #Darius #dog #pyhajarvi # Svyatozero # Dedanton # Antopalych # Svyatozero # Karelia # Vazhinsky estate
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