This case, involving legal requirements for the content...

This case, involving legal requirements for the content and labeling of meat products such as frankfurters, affords a rare opportunity to explore simultaneously both parts of Bismarck's aphorism that 'No man should see how laws or sausages are made.'

(из зажигательного решения судьи Скалиа по делу о регулировании цен на некоторые виды продуктов; Вашингтон, 1984 год)
This case, involving legal requirements for the content and labeling of meat products such as frankfurters, affords a rare opportunity to explore simultaneously both parts of Bismarck's aphorism that 'No man should see how laws or sausages are made.'

(из зажигательного решения судьи Скалиа по делу о регулировании цен на некоторые виды продуктов; Вашингтон, 1984 год)
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